Is the taste worth it?

Fast Food     The debate on healthy foods vs. junk food is one of the biggest debates ever. But I’m going to debate it anyway because I love food, it’s one of my many talents. As we all know junk food is not that great for your body, don’t get me wrong it’s delicious; but sometimes you have to make the hard decisions in life. In recent decades the consumption of fast food, convenience food and junk food has increased dramatically in the United States. “Obesity increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many other chronic health conditions.” By the year 2050 obesity in the United States is expected to be 42 percent. Now even though junk food is easy, cheep, and delicious you have to do what is best for you, your body, and your health! “Your insulin levels become elevated when you eat processed sugars, such as those in soft drinks, white flour and other foods devoid of fiber and nutrients necessary to properly metabolize carbohydrates.” Therefor causing type 2 diabetes.

Most junk food that have become our favorites are made to keep us coming back for more. Most of us were introduced to junk food at a very young age, so were basically hooked from a really young age. One of the many reasons junk food is so compelling is because of the smells and the aromas, when we are hungry we require these foods to satisfy our hunger. But most importantly the smell of the fast food is what keeps us coming back for more, because it smells so good. One way to prevent this is to enjoy the smells of some of the healthier foods around us, so if you think fruit smells good smell that instead of a burger, or chips. “Artificial flavors usually include chemicals that preserve the food, and also make it taste better,” Now I’m not trying to make you hate junk food or anything I’m just stating the facts. Because I love junk food to. ““the bliss point”—that specific balance of flavors that isn’t too much, but isn’t too little, and leaves your brain craving more.” Food companies are manipulating the food so that the population buys more.

Now let’s talk about the good in junk food, Taste and smell that’s it taste and smell is all that makes junk food good. After all of the process they go through to make the customers come back but really they are using all these products to make it the best but it’s really not. It’s not good for your body, it’s not good for growing people because it increases the chance of diabetes and depression, and let’s not forget about obesity. And it only tastes good. I have looked around on the internet seeing if I could find a couple people to tell me that junk food can be good, so far I have not found anybody but I will keep looking. So think about it, is it really worth that one big mac, or the burrito? Personally I will eat something like this every once in a while, and that’s ok because who doesn’t but it does not need to be an often kind of thing.

As a result I have discovered that, as good as the food is, it is not good for your health or anybody else around you. So just some tips I’m going to throw out there are, eat healthy no matter what your mind is telling you, you can eat junk food or fast food but narrow it down a little there’s no need to eat it every week, and lastly stay away from burgers.







Roizman, Tracey. “Reasons Eating Junk Food Is Not Good.” Healthy Eating. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2015.

“Why Do Processed Foods Taste So Good?” BistroMd. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2015.

Robertson, Caisey. “Why Is Junk Food So Addictive?” Mental Floss. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2015

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