Editing for life

Jay Lyons

What comes to your mind when you think of editing, because let me tell you that it’s more than just changing a photo or changing a video to your liking. When you have a team you will understand that it creates more than just a team, it creates almost a small family… many people think that this can’t be used in real life, but you would be surprised what careers are out there. And in fact editing is a huge career that people choose. All it takes is dedication, time, and your full effort!

jynicaFirst off we have photo editing. It’s more than just applying a filter like you do for you Instagram photo. Do you only have a few likes on your photo? Well first off we have a way to get rid of that red eye, it’s quite simple actually. So to get rid of that demonic red eye that you seem to be prone to, well you just click the spot healing brush select the red eye tool. This works best for when it’s set to a 50% pupil size. Next you just drag the tool around the reddened area and then let go. So that’s one way of helping you increase your amount of likes on your Instagram photos.

Next is for when you want to be a famous you tuber. Well for that career you ABSOLUTELY have to know how to edit the video. First off is the pretty easy step. You just have to add your media by clicking the “Add Media” button at the top left corner, then you just select what you want to have for your video. Now you do this with all your videos or pictures you want to add to the video. After adding your media it will be in a little box towards the top left area. When you see that it’s there you just drag it down to the, what I call “Video Track” and it will look pretty weird but that’s OK because you just have some actual editing ahead of you! Now in every video we make mistakes so what you have to do is place the marker where the mistake in the video begins, than select the split button and do the same thing at the end of the mistake. You will have a clip that’s highlighted blue and if you want to delete it then hit the delete button. But if you want bloopers then left click and drag to the part where you want that selected clip to be. Now if you added your photo when you were adding all your media then you drag it onto the overlay track and place it where you want the overlay in the video. See, editing is a simple task, it just takes time to learn and you have to be dedicated!

I have to say my favorite would be blogging. So for blogging you can do almost anything in the world with blogging. You can simply post your work on Watt pad or be a famous New York Times writer. But in order to do this you have to be interested in the selected topic, whether you chose the topic or not. But if you are interviewing someone then that’s a different story. They have to like what you are doing with them and that the topic is appropriate, so A: make sure you (or if interviewing someone them too) are interested in the topic and that it’s interesting to make the reader want more of what ya got! And B: you have to have to be interested in every part of the process. It doesn’t matter if you were forced to write the topic but you have to dedicate and be interested. So if you ever decide to write a book or just an article, those are the main keys to having a great piece of work!

In conclusion, whether you are making a career in videography, photography, or writing. You have to be dedicated to each one of them because when you do one of the topics you most likely will have to have the other topic connect. Dedication, concentration, interest, and staying positive. You will end up being successful in anything, not just editing…

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