A teacher, a mother, a role model… Mrs. Willford

Ask anyone that’s every taken an AP class who their favorite teacher was, you are sure to hear them say Mrs. Willford. She is hardworking and cares so much about her students. Through all the things she has to teach us, Mrs. Willford always finds a way to make an activity fun. But there is much more to Mrs. Willford than just being an ordinary teacher. She is not only a mother, but did a great deal of things leading to where and how Mrs. Willford got to where she is today.

Growing up she had 2 sisters. She didn’t have a favorite because they were both the same to her; kind and helpful. She was born in North Dakota but quickly moved to the Grand Valley. She spent most of her life here and will continue to in the future. She lived in the Grand Valley for 7 years as a kid. Growing up she wanted to be a marine biologist. She was a good student and had it pretty normal growing up. Once she reached High School she finally knew that teaching was what she wanted to do. So that’s what she did.

Once she went off to college at CMU she was determined to be a teacher. She was not only a student but an athlete. She played soccer at CMU as well as studied to be a teacher. Once she graduated she went off to go work as a teacher. She has been at the Fruita 8/9 since it first opened (11 years). Mrs Willford has helped out the school ever since. When she first came to the school she was not an AP teacher. She started out as a Global Studies teacher then moved up in recent years.

Mrs. Willford not only did all these things but has a wonderful family. She has a son and a daughter and works hard to keep them happy while maintaining and handling her work for the school. Like I said if you ask anyone that has every had Mrs. Wilford will say she was the best AP teacher that they have ever had. Her hard work and determination has paid off and led to who she is today.

In conclusion Mrs. Willford is not only an amazing teacher but has an amazing backstory of hard work which leads to who she is today. Without the soccer, basketball, love for teaching and family she wouldn’t be the same. She is a truly interesting person with an even more interesting story on how she got to where she is today.

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