Mr. Sullivan

His boots fall into the winter snow, sighing under the pressure, leaving fresh tracks of boots, soon to be filled in by the snow lightly sinking down to the earth. Holding his polished, carefully tended to rifle, his eye scampers over the frozen terrain, pinpointing a massive elk wandering through the ridge just on the other side. His eye slowly drops to his scope, eyeing the bull through the clear magnified lens. His lungs slowly expand and contract in contrast to his heart rapidly beating under the thrill of the spot. His finger finds the trigger and sends the bullet out of the muzzle at blistering speed, slamming into the elk just behind the shoulder, eventually the elk’s eyes grow dim and his heart grows still. Who is this assassin sneaking in the shadows, who is this man with a deadly aim? As he tugs his scarf down to shout an excited holler, Mr. Sullivan’s face glistens with sweat and triumph.

One of Mr. Sullivan’s enjoyments is hunting and has been for a number of years, birds have been his greatest love, especially in high school. But, as anybody would, Mr. Sullivan wanted to go big or go home and tried for the big game. Although at first his enjoyment of it was dim, the absence of being able to hunt elk and deer haunted him throughout college, repressed by the unbelievable amount of work thrown his way, leaving no time for fun.

Not only is Mr. Sullivan a great, sneaky hunter and an amazing shot, but very educated and intelligent. Mr. Sullivan went to Meeker HS and later went on to blow through Makook CC, Northwestern CC, Mesa State, AND Waldon University.

But Sullivan has another superpower, he has the astonishing ability to be humble, as the interview went on, he later made the statement, when asked what special hidden or unique talent he possesses, “My only hidden talent is my incredible ability to be average”. What was also unearthed a few moments later made the humbleness of this statement radiate even more and added to his amazing talents. He revealed that he has played the bass guitar, the saxophone, AND the piano, he has ridden about every vehicle made on this earth and has “crashed them all too”.

Sullivan is experienced in many levels, indoor and outdoor, in the books and in the woods, not only in the strings but in the keys. His life has been an amazing journey so far and what’s around the next curve is still a mystery itching to be uncovered, itching to be done. Throughout all these findings and through face to face every day interaction, the conclusion is clear. Mr. Sullivan is no ordinary man, no matter what he might claim.

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