Moon Landing, was it real?

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”…we all know that famous quote. But was it Written in a script or was it not? On July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 landed on the moon, but  everyone started digging into it and people started noticing things were a bit off. There’s the reflection of the stage light, the shadows not facing the same way, no crater made by the landing,  the flag “blowing” in the “wind”, and many other things. So before we begin i do not mean to offend anyone who doesn’t think lightly about this Let’s begin.

First we’ll start on the stage light reflection. We’ve all probably seen the video where a red circle highlights the stage light reflection on the helmet. When you make a movie the lights are always set at a particular height, and most the time the height of the lights are in view in certain camera angles and reflective things such as mirrors or in this case…Helmets. And speaking of stage lights, when you walk outside and theres street lamps shadow are pointing in many different directions. In space though, yes the moon is spinning, but the shadows in one pictures are all facing different directions, the only way that can happen is if multiple lights are facing the same object at different angles.

Moving on to the landing of the spacecraft. NASA specifically stated that when they landed on the moon it would create a crater and a pretty big amount of dust would come flying up, because we would be creating air that the moon doesn’t have. But yet when the spacecraft lands it just sits, no dust comes up and no crater was made. (better watch your words NASA, they may come back and bite..) Another fact to know about this even though the gravitational pull is different on the moon and on Earth dust still would’ve came up, the throttles could’ve been pushed back a little but that still would’ve cause some dust to come up off the ground.


Now, the flag..You tell me. Is there any wind on the moon? Ding! Ding! Ding! If you answered No, you’re correct! In space there’s no gravity and no gravity means no wind. So how would the wind blow when there’s isn’t any on the moon. Also why would it be sticking straight out like it was, wouldn’t it be flat and hanging down? Yeah, it would. The only reason i can think of the flag having a reason to wave is if the air conditioner on and the flag just happened to be underneath it, because like i’ve said already no wind is in space so no wind would make the flag move in the moon.

All these things to prove that it’s false and all the things that prove it was real. I’m not going to keep digging into this with more and more details and facts because i don’t have time to do that. But if you would like to dig deeper into this then you can go onto the following sites:,28804,1860871_1860876_1860992,00.html

Or you could literally go onto google and look up “moon landing fake” and it should bring up not only the sites i just listed but many more. But it’s time for me to let you decide on if this moon landing was just a hoax to make it look like the U.S was first or if the moon landing really did happen. Good luck on your decision! Until next time!

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