Apple vs Orange


Let’s start with the basic question. Which do you like more apples or oranges I won’t judge what you like but if you’re on the fence of what is better I will give you good reasons for both sides on which one is better based on your personal opinion

There’s no difference of on where there grown both on farms or the wild and they both grow on trees but there taste is very different but similar, Apples have more than one taste and they are low in calories, but high in carbohydrates an average apple is about 100 calories and 90% of apples calories are from the carbohydrates which means that you will have a ton of natural energy for you day and its high fiber keeps your blood spikes down, apples are also filled with antioxidants which neutralize bacteria before they attack cells.

Some cons of apples are that their treated with pesticides and fungicides, also some apples may be coated with wax it’s meant to keep to appearance of the apple fresh you can’t taste it but the chemicals go into your digestive system and become part of your body.

Now for oranges they have ton of vitamins and also can prevent certain diseases and anemia however they are high on acid which may irritate some preexisting conditions. But they approximately contain 70 mg of vitamin c, which is over 75 percent of the recommended value

But they also a very acidic fruit causing disorders like heartburn or acid reflux, in which your stomach acids moves in your esophagus and other pains like abdominal, and as a child your consuming more orange than juice witch adds to your weight as an adult.

So both fruits have pros and cons and really you can like whatever you want, but take these facts to mind the next time you eat an apple or an orange.


Arnold, Kylene. “Pros & Cons of Oranges.” Healthfully, 22 Oct. 2018,


12 Pros and Cons of Apples.” HRFnd, 17 June 2015, apple (1)-21qoofp

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