Mr. LeVan

When you arrive at Fruita 8/9 you will find a variety of teachers and you will most likely encounter a particular teacher by the name of Mr.LeVan whether that be in one of his classes or just keeping an eye on the halls. In your first impression you may think he is just one of those basic teachers there to serve a single purpose, but once you peel back the surface you will find a man with an interesting story to tell who thoroughly loves his position within the school.

He was born in Glenwood springs Colorado, in his youth he was constantly in an educational environment as his father was a teacher which unsurprisingly would transfer from one generation to another. At his home in Glenwood he could be found playing with his toy m16 or watching MASH on the tv, at this age he didn’t want to be a teacher but he would eventually find his calling.

In his teenage years he attended Glenwood springs high school, he avoided trouble and driving his 1957 volkswagen and exploring some of his favorite subjects one of which is history.

What made him pursue a career in education was raising children and seeing the value in what it provides. In his life now he is very happy with his position and enjoys teaching his freshman classes. Although there are certain things within the school that he would like to change, such as a complete no phone policy.

In conclusion when you come to the 8/9 there are some teachers that you should look out for and Mr LeVan is one of those teachers.

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