Life Skills In Media Pro

In this class I learned a lot, not just about how to photo shop or edit photos, but a lot of life lessons. This class has taught me teamwork in a more work like environment rather than a sports environment. This class also taught me to have patients with others when they’re not focused and leadership to make sure that work does get done within my group. This are all important life skills that I will use in day to day work.

Teamwork was a big thing that this class taught me. You couldn’t really get anything done if you and your group weren’t on the same page. For example, if you were on the announcements you and your group needed to be on the same page on who was going to be on the announcements, who was going to be the one editing, who was going to write the script, and what days you were going to record, edit, and upload. This involved communication, obviously, which is a very important part of team work. If you didn’t communicate with each other you would never know what the other person was thinking, you would never be on the same page about what is going to get done that day. This is a very important life skill, which I’ve also learned from soccer, but teamwork in a sports environment is different than teamwork in a work environment, so to have a class that taught me how to use teamwork in a work environment is really good and will help me in the future no matter the job or class.

Another life skill this class taught me was patients with others. In all honesty, the boy would get distracted very easily and it was hard to get things done on time, and me being a perfectionist and always needing things to be done on schedule was always quick to get frustrated. This class taught me that getting frustrated and loosing patients quick with the boys wasn’t helpful. I learned that I needed to stay patient with them and just help them get back on task and realize that I will get work done on time and maybe a little off my schedule but it will  be done, but it won’t get done if I don’t stay patient with my group. Patients is very important when working with other people because when in a group it’s easy for one group member to get everyone off task, and if one person loses patients while everyone else is off task, the chance of getting everyone back on track is pretty much gone. Holding some patients makes it easier to stay composed and helps the rest of the group in a positive way.

One more big thing this class taught me is leadership.  In this class I tend to have to take a role of leadership within whatever group I was in by making sure my group stayed on task and taking on parts of the project to make sure everything got done. A lot of times when on the announcements it wouldn’t be my job that week to edit but the person whose job it was would forget or be gone so I would take on the project and edit to make sure it got done. Also going back to the patients, I would make sure that my group would stay on task or get back on task. This is a super important life skill for anything that will come in the future. To be able to know how to take a leadership role and be able to lead without acting like some type of dictator will make future jobs easier, sports easier, and resolving problems easier. It also makes you look better towards your boss, colleges, and just people in general because it shows that you can take initiative without being rude about it and overly controlling. Again, through sports I learned how to be a leader on the field, but leading in a work place is a little different, and this class taught me how to lead in a work environment.

This class really just adjusted and modify some life skills I already knew about to fit a work environment. This will make it easier for me in the future to get a job and will make working with other people easier. To know and understand how to talk to people in a work environment, work with people in a work environment, and being remind to have patients with people will make life easier for me and will cause less frustration not only for me but the people I work with and for. I really appreciate the opportunity to have taken this class and for everything that it taught me for life. This class definitely impacted me and helped improve and reinforce some life skills.

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