Mac Vs. Pc

macvpc-lede-0508The debate remains between Apple’s mac computers and Microsoft’s PC computers. The question is though, who is the winner? Well the two share roughly about ½ the computer market around the world, each one a 1/4.

Reviews, reviews, reviews, everyone has their own personal review and opinion of each computer, but studies show oddly enough, both computers from a computing begginers standpoint, are equally user friendly. When an IMac selling retail for $1,499 and a Gateway 1 selling retail for $1,800 were compared for hardware results, they showed up as the gateway one ran 400 Hz slower than the IMac competitor.  However, the gateway one had an extra 2 gigabits of ram memory that the IMac didn’t. When the two were compared for user friendliness and computing speeds, the results were as follows:

IMac– Startup: 28.7 seconds

Gateway one– Startup: 1 minute 13 seconds

IMac– Shutdown: 4 seconds

Gateway one– Shutdown: 44.3 seconds

IMac– Microsoft Office startup: 4 minutes and 17 seconds

Gateway one– Microsoft Office startup: 6 minutes and 25 seconds.

The reviews of user friendliness showed that everyone who tried both computers had decided that they were equally easy to use and navigate from a beginners standpoint.

Now honestly, which one sounds like the honest winner overall? Apple has somehow managed to create a cheaper computer that runs faster, and is equally as user friendly, which is why I place Mac as the winner in the computer race. I guess that explains why Apple has 91% of the market for premium computers (Computers over $1,000)


In a survey of the students at the Fruita 8/9 School, I found that both Mac and PC were almost equally preferred.  The numbers came back out of 100 students surveyed, 48 chose Mac computers and 52 chose PC computers.


Hearst Communication, Inc. Web. 2009. 18 December. Glenn Derene.

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