Mr. Mejia

DSC00714Mr. Mejia is a man that is, indeed, noteworthy. During a short interview with him in his office here at the school, he was asked about his childhood, older job, current job, and home/family life. During his childhood, he was enthused into sports. He enjoyed reading the newspaper to see the scores of the friday football games, and ultimately, inspired him to become a sports interviewer. He then started getting involved in many after-school sports, as he quotes, “I have always played sports, I have always enjoyed sports.” He was enthused into mainly football, basketball, and baseball. He stated that, as a child, his dream was to become a professional football player. His role model, however, was his mother. She was the only person who was able to keep him up, and keep him going. She taught him how to work, how to be honest, and how to be responsible, which are things that can greatly help you throughout your life. As he become older and finish college, he became a sports writer. He wrote many newspaper articles having to do with the many famous sports athletes, mostly involving the game scores or their personal life. He stated that his favorite person to interview was “…Kareem Adbul Jabbar. He is seven feet tall, plays for the Los Angeles Lakers. He actually changed his name and his religion, so he was pretty interesting. His name initially was Lew Alcindor. He won three national titles at UCLA and was the first big guy to get big contract. He was really into his buddism and his religion, so he was really interesting.” He also interviewed many more sports players, including Michael Jordan. After a few years, Mejia retired from his job and became an athletics director here at the Fruita 8/9. He says that he greatly enjoys the students, teachers, and staff. He also says that he is writing a book that has to do with sports. It is currently in the process of still being written. As much as Mr. Mejia sounds like a busy and responsible man, he does indeed have a life at home. He stated that he enjoys researching NFL history and playing golf. He even said that he is going to enter in a few golfing tournaments. Mr. Mejia is a very interesting, responsible, busy man who does have time for everything and everyone.

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