Mrs. Bodnar

DSC00713Mrs. Bodnar has worked here at Fruita 8/9 as the 9th grade honors comp/lit for 7 years. but is also and intern for the counseling department. Growing up, her role model was her aunt because she was always there when she needed anything and because she was only a few years older than her, it made it easy to get along. It took her 4 years in college to become a teacher and an additional 3 years to become a school counselor. Throughout highschool, she was doing pretty good with her grades and always kept up on everything to become the best she could. Her first job, was working at a golfcourse taking care of the flowers at the age of 15. Mrs. Bodnar grew up in Boise, Idaho, then after college she moved around a lot to Utah, Arizona, then finally ended up in Colorado. Mrs. Bodnar is definitely the traveling type. Thats something she wants to do after she retires, and having fun. Just living the “good life.” She wanted to be a lawyer at first, but she figure out that’s not exactly what she wanted to do. Then she thought she wanted to be a pharmasist but that didn’t work out well either. She “fell backwards” into teaching, and ended up enjoying it very much.

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