Why Schools Block YouTube

youtubeThe reason schools block YouTube on the internet, is because it’s so the students can focus when in computer classes and using computers in school to learn. It’s most likely that the students would NOT be using YouTube for educational purposes so they put a safety mode on it for school appropriate searches. Schools across the country ban YouTube because to students, it’s an irresistible distraction. The society now, is more immature than it was before, and some of the stuff students look up on YouTube and other inappropriate websites, isn’t very smart. If we ever did unblock YouTube for students, who knows what kind of problems and chaos it would bring. Much more suspensions, much more inappropriate searches, etc. They have a YouTube for educational purposes only. It shows no inappropriate pictures, profanity, or violence at all what so ever. I feel as if we were to unblock YouTube, the students are going to take advantage of the privileges that were given to them, and it’s not okay. Our generation, is not the generation to start “loosening the reigns” when it comes to stuff like this. The way our generation is, may be a stereotype, or it’s just reality, but I feel like us as students need to prove we are responsible, and mature enough to have a website like YouTube unblocked.

Works Cited
Strom, S. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/10/education/youtube-finds-a-way-off-schools-banned-list.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
Why did schools block Youtube. (n.d.). (Yahoo) Retrieved February 25, 2014, from Yahoo: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100418160239AA9URz5

18 thoughts on “Why Schools Block YouTube

  1. When most people think of YouTube, they think of un-educational, little short videos that give out a wide range of entertainment. Most of the schools around the world have decided to block YouTube for the sake of the learning of the students, as most of them would use it to look up inappropriate content (although YouTube blocks all pornographic videos), which is a very easy and understandable reason. But, when used right, YouTube can be a very good friend. Let’s say you’re trying to figure out how to do something. Maybe you would like to know how Moon affects the tides on Earth. All you must do is go onto YouTube and put in “how the moon affects the tides on earth”. Multiple videos will come up, and all you must simply do is watch, listen, and maybe scribble down a few notes to get the basic concept and review them for the upcoming test. Of course, you may think “Why not just ask my science teacher? He can help me.” This is very true, but many people (like me) are visual learners, so it is very difficult to understand how the tides on Earth shift and change when the moon is high in the sky, and also with the effect of the suns gravity, the tides are changed even more. With a video and/or a picture or two, it would be able to help many students understand this concept, or, perhaps a teacher could look this video up and present it to his students. YouTube does indeed have a “safety search” so that students can only look up educational videos, which is indeed a big help. But sometimes, teachers will need to show videos to their students; things that may have to do with bullying, or harassment, or even simple things that schools are trying to promote such as integrity, honesty, respect, etc. When things like these are looked up, the safety filter blocks them. Many people understand the fact that some students are very immature and use YouTube as an advantage to entertainment which can, ultimately, become a distraction to their learning, which is what schools are not trying to promote. The best solution is for people to have a system where they can check the history of the student’s online searches. Those students who were not using the internet irresponsibly have privileges on the internet taken away.

    Works Sited:
    Parrales, M. (2011). Schools Should Not Block YouTube. United States: Michael Parrales

  2. But how do we know the students are going to be using YouTube as an educational purpose only? The YouTube that is already unblocked, is educational only. Looking up stuff about the Earth, and moon, can be used on the EDU YouTube that is unblocked. I feel like students are only wanting YouTube unblocked, so that they can go around telling all of their friends a bunch of stuff they found on the website, then showing them inappropriate videos. The teachers don’t have YouTube blocked. They can look up anything they need to, and we trust them not to use it inappropriately. The students in the school systems, need to prove that they’re mature enough for the school board to unblock YouTube, and other sites.

    1. Trusting the students to do what is right is what makes a school better. By doing so, we give more freedom to our students, just as stated in our schools moto, Responsability. Plus, the teachers can have an ability to check our browsing history, so that if some students do what they shouldn’t be doing, we can know and alert the staff/teachers. If students do this, we can take away their computer privilages. We don’t know how the students will be using this time, so its good to have a plan set in case they do. YouTubeing is also an amazing privilage for freetime. The students, if trusted enough and given permission by a teacher or staff member, then they can have this ability. Once again, we will have to check their browsing history to make sure they are doing what they shouldn’t be.

      Parrales, M. (2011). Schools Should Not Block YouTube. United States: Michael Parrales

  3. I just want to listen to my private YouTube made playlist of music, but I can not do that because it is blocked. It gives reading more of a mood and also can block out people who do not know how to be quiet.

  4. Teachers should trust there students. And they can see what they are watching anyway from there computers.

  5. I don’t like the idea of schools blocking YouTube. I don’t watch any videos that involve sex, drugs, or anything else. The only videos I watch involve bowling, NASCAR racing, drag racing, guitars, cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, video clips of the TV shows I love like Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, SUPERNANNY, and COPS.

  6. I don’t like the idea of schools blocking YouTube. I don’t watch any videos that involve sex, drugs, or anything else. The only videos I watch involve bowling, NASCAR racing, drag racing, guitars, cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, video clips of the TV shows I love like Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, SUPERNANNY, and COPS.

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