Have you ever wondered if horses with horns are even a thing? How about horses with wings? Well, I do. And I believe in Unicorns, Alicorns, and Pegasus.
According to the American Museum of Natural History, “Once upon a time, a hunter in the forest saw a brilliant white unicorn in the distance, emerging from a river and gleaming like the moon. Enchanted by the sight, the hunter called together his friends and gave chase. But the unicorn knew that men could never catch him, so he playfully waited for the hunters to draw close before bounding out of view. After a while, the unicorn came to a stop in front of a beautiful young maiden sitting under a tree. She reached out, combed his curling mane and rubbed his horn until he lay his head in her lap. But it was a trap! Looking up at the maiden, the unicorn saw her brown eyes were filled with tears and realized her deceit too late–the dogs and men suddenly seized him and carried him away. Afterward, the maiden remained in the woods, despondent. As she leaned down to wash away her tears in the stream, a movement in the distance caught her eye: She couldn’t be sure, but she thought it was the shining horn of a unicorn disappearing into the night.” This means that unicorns could indeed be real.
According to the article on wonderopolis.org “Historians believe the first written account of a unicorn comes from Greek physician Ctesias in the fourth century, B.C. While traveling through what is now Iran, he heard many tales of sightings of single-horned wild donkeys that were as large as horses. According to Ctesias, these swift and powerful creatures had white bodies, red heads, blue eyes, and a multi-colored horn that was about 18 inches in length.” With this much descriptive evidence, unicorns could exist.
According to the article “The Mythology of Unicorns” on The Spruce Pets website by Katherine Blocksdorf unicorns are real. Blocksdorf writes, “Austrian naturalist Antal Festetics claims to have seen and recorded a unicorn while horseback riding in Harz Mountains. The Ontario Science Center reports of a unicorn sighting in the Don Valley. Having sat in traffic on the Don Valley Parkway on many occasions, we can’t think of a more unlikely spot to view any sort of wildlife.”. This means, if people have seen unicorns they must be the real.
But, sadly some people don’t believe in unicorns. Instead of believing in the majestic horned horses that we all know and love, they believe in big, hideous rhinos with huge ugly yellow horns right smack in the middle of their foreheads. According to the article “Real ‘Siberian unicorn’ remains found“ by Juliet Perry, Perry states, “New research has revealed the ‘Siberian unicorn’ roamed the planet far more recently than we originally thought.The bad news is it looked nothing like the mythical creatures portrayed in so many fairy tales. Real unicorns — not so pretty. It was fatter and furrier, and in reality more rhino than stallion. It did, however, have a huge horn.”.
Even though some people don’t believe in unicorns, I still believe in them.
So do you believe in unicorns? Or do you believe in the Siberian ‘unicorns’? As for me I am still a strong believer in the rare, majestic, magical horses, Unicorns.