There seems to be a debate between which is better, crayons or colored pencils. Actually, this debate is only between me and Savannah Ashmore, but whatever. We still both have different opinions. Her thinking crayons are better, and me thinking colored pencils. Hmmm.
I chose that colored pencils are way better than crayons. Why? Because they can color a lot neater than crayons do. Many people say they like colored pencils better cause “I like the texture they give rather than crayons, they’re smooth.” says a blogger. Crayons look sloppy and like a kid used them. With colored pencils, it is so much easier to blend colors if making a picture. To where crayons are strictly one color that doesn’t go with other colors.
Even though sharpening colored pencils can be a hassle, it is better than using a dull crayon that you can’t make fine lines with. Though, there are crayon sharpeners, the wax from the crayons gets all stuck and it can become a pain to sharpen the next crayon.
I would have to say, I do like using crayons, just cause I feel like a little kid again. But I love colored pencils because the vibrant colors to the pastel colors.
So what do you think??? Agree with me 🙂
“Thank you for sharing such a nice blog on waxy colors it will really help me out in future.
I have bookmarked this page for future references. They should be non-toxic.
Have a good one ahead!!