These past two weeks have been wrapped up in CSAP.  Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s consist of going to our REC’s class and take a test until 11:20 and then leaving school grounds. After a few hours of thinking, it nice to be able to go to the mall, hang out with friends, or just catch up on sleep.  I personally love taking CSAP, just because I can go home at 11:20. I think the majority of the students are happier to take CSAP with half day then having to take CSAP and continue school after we are done testing. Last week 3/28 on Tuesday all students tested, the next day; Wednesday 8th graders continued testing while freshman enjoyed a nice day off! This week 4/4 Tuesday and Wednesday all students are taking CSAP.    CSAP is finally over for this year. I can honestly say I am very happy and most of the Fruita 8/9 students are as well. For 9th graders only one more year of CSAP and they will be done for life! 8th graders have two more years. CSAP brings up and downs to every student, but now that it is over we can go back to going to school five days a week for eight hours.testing

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