Digital Drug or Healthy High

I-Doser is the latest hit with teens.

            I-Doser is audio that is supposed to give you a high, lucid dream, or hallucinate.

            I-Doser has been known to give otherworldly experiences.

Teens in our school have caught on to this new trend.

            I-Doser has worried parents; this may be what you call a gateway “drug”.

How does I-Doser “work”? It’s an Mp3 that sends different types of sound waves to your brain causing it to react in ways that you brain would if it was under the influence.

But is this high real or do kids just thinking they are getting high from I-Doser when really they are not.

Scientists did a controlled study and didn’t see any brain waves that matched the “binaural” beat that was being played, the suppose high that students have been getting has been fake.

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