I pledge allegience to FRUITA

Raise your hands in salute, because “here comes the PRESIDENT OF the sophomore student body!”

She doesn’t exactly run a country, but Katie Klene, 14, has just won the position as sophomore student body president. Running for elections may have been a real hoot, but it also takes a lot of work.

“I made posters, pins, boards, and t-shirts to advertise. The work took some effort, but it was worth it,” States Klene

Klene had planned on running since eighth grade. She’s a bit of an over-achiever, and does a lot of extra activities. Along with president of sophomore student body, she is treasurer of the national junior honor society, a very active member of student senate, and has her own relay for life team. How could she have stood to add yet another responsibility to her list?

“I really, really wanted to be class president. It’s not a chore if it’s something you want badly enough.”

The responsibilities of the president are to attend meetings and give speeches. Most of these meeting are about the school events, and the speeches are meant to inspire. Some meetings may be about how to make the school better too, but the details are hazy.

There is no doubt that Klene is going to be a hard working president. It’s been a week, long enough for the bravado to fade, and she is still very excited to have won the elections.

 “I will take my responsibilities very seriously. I want to do a good job.” Katie smiles as she adds “I was really, really happy to win. I couldn’t stop smiling.”

The new president will continue to smile and work her hardest. Her close friends call her a “natural born leader.”

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