Nothing cute about acute bronchitis


Killer coughing, burning throat, and always feeling like you’re going to throw up. Acute bronchitis seems to be sweeping up the school with a fervent swiftness.

More kids are missing school, and the doctors must be overloaded with phone calls.

Acute bronchitis is the inflammation of the air passage to the lungs. This sickness starts out with a sore throat, then moves on to repetitive coughing. After a bit, the coughing starts to bring up mucus, and sometimes blood. It leaves the throat feeling very sore, and raw. Sometimes this leads to low fevers and fatigue. It can also very easily turn into pneumonia.

For all the kids who acute bronchitis has taken on, the best treatment for it is to rest. It’s recommended that students stay home, but the sickness lasts around a week, making it more difficult to miss school. Acute bronchitis is also more contagious the first week the carrier has it, so it’s hard to say if people are going to stop getting sick for a while.

WebMD ,( ,gives some great tips to prevent getting acute bronchitis. It’s best to wash hands often, especially after you touch public things like school computers. Also, it’s good to avoid smoke and very dusty air. Acute bronchitis isn’t overly serious, but it can lead to more dangerous illnesses, so take precautions.

A good place to learn about acute bronchitis is PubMed ( . Stay healthy!

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