Looking back; the best years of our life

By Jaton Shephard

         As most of you know it’s the end of the school year, and for the freshman class of the Fruita 8/9 they will be going on to the high school. I asked some of them what they will be taking with them to the high school, such as life lessons, experiences, what they’ll look back on, and if they have grown in the last year.

        So I asked some of my peers about this last year…….

        Terry Harper: “This year was pretty good. I’ve met a lot more people, and had a lot more fun. I kind of slacked off in school though.”

        Cameron Swanson: “It was adventurous, lots of downs. It was fun and had lots of tears.”

         Kyle Griffith: “Well for sure all I know is that I matured a lot since the beginning of the year.”

         Lyn-Z Roseberry: “I feel like I have grown more socially because I got to meet more people than I did last year, and maybe I have lacked responsibility.”

         I think we can all agree this year has had its up and downs, but we can all learn something from our tears. Great job freshman class of 2014, 3 more years and we will be on to bigger things.

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