Consumers Controlling Business

In chunk paragraph form, explain how the decisions consumers make affect business and the economy.  Be sure to include a hook, topic sentence, 3 concrete ideas, 3 supporting sentences, and a conclusion. After you post your paragraph, respond to 2 classmates posts with comments about their opinions.

113 thoughts on “Consumers Controlling Business

  1. I think it’s amazing that your business could depend on the people around you! The decisions of a consumer are extremely important to business. Winning the consumer is a major goal that a business needs to have because without them a business can’t survive. The consumers play a big part on the economy because if they aren’t spending money then businesses are making money. If nobody is buying CD’s then the CD Company is going to go down and the MP3 business, such as Apple will get better. Having modern products that you know people want to buy is obviously going to be the best way to get going as a business. Consumers definitely play a big role in the economy. Whether it’s good or bad there’s no way to stop it.

    1. Dear Spencer(:
      I feel like you should try to “win” the consumer but if the consumers aren’t making enough money to spend at the time then why would they want to spend even if the product/service was great?

  2. Have you noticed the economy taking a giant dive into the trash? Consumers aren’t spending money as much anymore and that is affecting the economy in many ways. If consumers don’t spend enough money then less tax revenue will be collected and less money will be put into banks and lenders. This means that less money will be put into projects such as education. When banks don’t have much money, how can they lend it? When the bank doesn’t get money from consumer spending, they don’t have any money to lend any consumers for large purchases. In an extreme case, if the government is unable to generate enough tax revenue, they will end up defaulting on their own debt over time. If this happens, bank may collapse and that will mean even less lending money for consumers to spend. Consumers have a huge impact on the economy when they don’t spend money and it can cause a train reaction that ends up turning into a catastrophe.

    1. I agree with what you are saying about the the consumer spending. If the banks dont get enough money then nobody can do what they normally do and get a loan for anything the may need.

    2. i agree with what you said about a chain reaction. i think if we could just fix one thing than the rest will all start to turn back around but when we mess another thing up then everything will go back down hill again

    3. I agree with you about consumers spending money. I really agree that if consumers don’t put out enough money than it can possibly and slowly start to ruin our education. Consumers do have a big effect on our economy if they don’t spend enough money and i agree that a chain reaction will start.

  3. Chunk Paragraph
    Can you imagine a world without consumers? Consumers are people who buy goods or services, the decisions they make can have a major effect on business and economy. Say a business has started losing a ton of consumers; there business could easily shut down. If there are not enough consumers for a business, then there’s no point for that business to spend money to produce goods. On the flip side, what if a business started hauling in way more consumers then expected? The business may not be able to keep up with the goods or services and may force them into expanding their business. Not only does it affect the business, but economy has a large affect also. If consumers decide to stop buying goods and services and make their own, the economy would go way down. Consumers are made to buy goods and services, there personal decisions could affect business and economy.

    1. Indeed. I agree that if a business gets too many consumers, then they might not be able to keep up and have to expand.

    2. I agree with this paragraph. the consumers are afraid to spend money, but you have to spend money to get money. Jobs can’t be created in a dieing business, when the Companys get income then they need more people too keep up with demand therefore creating more jobs.

  4. Are consumers a big part of our economy? Do they need to be here? The decisions consumers make has a huge effect on our economy and can help or break out economy. Consumers that buy things have a good effect on our economy and help. Consumers that have the money to buy things and that do buy thing really help bring our economy up when we are in a bad state. On the other hand, consumers that don’t buy things don’t help our economy much. If consumers don’t have the money to buy things then they won’t buy things which means our economy goes down because we don’t get the money. Consumers have to also make careful decisions. Consumers have to also make careful decisions. All in all, consumers are a big part in our economy and need to be here to help us try and stable our economy so it isn’t as bad.

  5. Consumers and the Economy

    What would happen if consumers stopped buying all together? Consumers purchasing items and services is what controls today’s economy. The more people buy, the better the economy becomes, but when people stop buying for whatever reason, the economy goes down. I know people are afraid to buy during a recession, but it is necessary to move forward out of it. If people won’t buy because the economy is in a bad shape, then the trend will continue, and we will never get out of it. Spending will get the economy back on its feet and we can continue to better it. Unemployment rates are high, in December, there was an unemployment rate of 10%! Another reason is that we have no jobs, and jobs equal money, and money is spending. If more jobs aren’t opened, people won’t get income and won’t be spending anything. Consumers, you have all the power in the economy, so don’t be scared, get spending.

  6. Why would you think that so many local businesses are going under? A major reason could be because of the consumers, the reasons why they are failing are as follows. People aren’t making enough money in order to go out and spend it. On the upside though the people who are making money are being able to go out and keep making it. If people can find a solid job that won’t turn for the worst then they can easily go support other businesses to keep them going. Probably the biggest reason for poor spending is due to very high prices on products that everyone needs. Places such as supermarkets and convenience stores have to raise the prices of food, water, snacks, and anything they can so that they can keep making money. This is causing the consumers to stop spending and they might end up losing their money. With now knowing the details listed, this shows that consumers play the biggest role in the economy and they decide whether a business will keep running or fail completely.

    1. I agree with what you said about how supermarkets have to raise their prices. But what I don’t agree with is that even if you do get a solid job, you never know when it will stop making business. Even though you can be good now, you never know where you will be in a couple years from now.

    2. Very well old chap, I think this is a quite fine paragraph. I highly agree with the fact that people whom already have money would be able to keep making more and more. Cheerio.

    3. i think you are correct in the fact that people are not making enough money to spend and help boost the economy

  7. Economy and the Consumer
    Are you a consumer? Do you know how you affect the economy? Almost every day you spend your money and every time you do you’re affecting business and economy. Now, because you affect the economy and were in a resection how do you think it’s happening? People don’t have jobs so there isn’t as much money being put into the economy. So as a side note if you want to help the economy start spending a little bit more. You also affect the market because you (the average citizen) know what you want to buy and in retrospect what about every other average citizen wants to buy. So business will do whatever it takes to get this information and basically this should be telling you, you are a V.I.P. in the business world. In the world the consumer has the ultimate power because they are who as the money. I know that everyone has heard that money doesn’t buy happiness and it may not but it does make the world go round and the consumer is what keeps feeding the economy but however right now this economic recession most people think they need to save because they don’t know what’s going to happen but in fact it’s just causing the market to get worse. Consumers are all powerful in the business world because the influence business economy and typically the whole world so next time you’re at the mall or the grocery store think about what you could be affecting/causing.

    1. I agree with what you said about people not having jobs and less money being put into the economy. When a bank doesn’t have money, they can’t lend(the average citizen) any money so they can go make puchases for something that they want. If the consumer can’t get or spend money then that meens that less money will be put back into the economy.

    2. sup
      i agree on your paragraph because i spend money every day and the you wach the news and it says the economy rose or dropped depending on how much money was spent

    3. i like how you said money doesn’t buy happiness, but to soem people money does happines for them. we do need to spreend more money on thign that we need or that we dont need. you now what you right i think we do need to help the eonmcey more by just buying thing more and more.

    4. i agree that the consumers are what influence the business industries and prety much make the world go round

  8. Did you know that making just one decision as a consumer could affect the whole economy? If you spend money on any product or service you are a consumer so you can positively and negatively affect the economy in many different ways. A consumer can negatively affect the economy by just not spending money. If a consumer doesn’t spend money on a good or service it makes businesses lose money and sometimes go out of business which could cause a chain reaction that could negatively affect your business. High unemployment rate is another way consumers are negatively affecting the economy. Since there aren’t as many jobs it loses businesses money because they have to pay more for services to keep their businesses going which is harder since many people don’t have jobs they don’t have as much money to spend on the business so it doesn’t go out of business. Consumers using new technology are also affecting the economy at a positive but also negative rate. New technology is helping because it is making businesses more efficient and successful so they earn more money which improves the economy. It also has a negative affect because they have invented new technology that does peoples jobs for them so there is no longer a demand for that job which increases unemployment which has a negative effect on the economy. Consumers are changing how much they spend and work so the economy is changing with that. It has positive and negative effects but overall it has caused a negative effect on the economy over the past couple years.

    1. I agree with what you said about technology doing peoples jobs for them. If a new product is invented, such as the iPod, then old products, such as a cd player or casset player, won’t sell anymore and will eventually go out of business.

    2. I agree with your paragraph because if a consumer spends money in a business the economy will go up a little bit but if a consumer dosent spend money then it willl have a negative effect on the economy thus a negative positive effect

    3. I agree with what your saying because if the economy is bad its going to be harder to get and thats not going to help the economy either.

    4. Alyssa,
      I agree with you when you say: Since there aren’t as many jobs it loses businesses money because they have to pay more for services to keep their businesses going which is harder since many people don’t have jobs they don’t have as much money to spend on the business so it doesn’t go out of business. Because that is what is happing (:
      Good Job!
      <3 love katelyn!!!! (:

  9. Want to know what is killing our economy? There are many reasons why our economy is being slowed down these days. Consumers are a very big part in business. They buy our products that give us money. But, why aren’t they buying products? Prices may be too high. Or because they just aren’t buying anything which is becoming a huge issue for many businesses. In my opinion, I feel like in order to be able to be a consumer; you need money which requires a job. Maybe people should not be as lazy and get a job so that not only they can make money but also the peoples’ products you are buying can also make money so that our economy won’t fail. In my opinion, I feel like in order to be able to be a consumer; you need money which requires a job. Maybe people should not be as lazy and get a job so that not only they can make money but also the peoples’ products you are buying can also make money so that our economy won’t fail. I know that I won’t want to spend more than enough on something that I could get at Wal Mart for less. Wal Mart is great! Maybe people are on like some kind or budget and they can only spend a certain amount a month. I don’t blame people who don’t like spending a ridiculous amount of money on something stupid, because that is just a waste of money. People need to be smart with their money and spend it wisely. And business people should lower their prices so that people who don’t have the money can afford things that they not only want but need.

    1. Wow Katie, great paragraph (: I agree that if people did stop being lazy and just got jobs our economy would definitely improve

    2. I agree with the part about people being lazy and that they need to get a job so that they can spend money on products from businesses. If they get a job and spend money on the goods/products, from a business, such as Wal-mart, that business would be least likely to fall/fail.

    3. Dear Katelyn, I think your paragraph is just super. I agree with you that consumers need to get jobs too in order to help the economy. I also agree that Wal-mart is great 🙂 Nice word choices, real nice job 🙂
      Love… Morgggg

  10. Consumers are the most important thing in business and education and without them they would have nothing to run on. The decisions consumers make affect business and economy because, business shut down, there is less jobs, and less money. If no one buys things from businesses then they shut down. Everywhere there seems to be a new place shutting down because they were not making any money. Due to business shut down there is less jobs. The unemployment rate for the U.S. is 9.1%, but in 1990 it was 5.3% so in 21 years it went down by 3.8%. The main reason for businesses shutting is because of less money and with not as many jobs there is more debt. There being less money is the main reason for everything; it’s the reason for the way the economy is. All three of these are affected by consumers and they all led and connect to each other as well.

    1. I agree with what you said about consumers affecting businesses. If a busniess isn’t recieving money from consumers then they wont be able to afford to stay open.

    2. Finally! A paragraph without a question opening it. That right there makes me see you are a strong writer and I took joy in reading your paragraph, Well Done.

    3. i agree with dylan the fact that you didnt use a question to open the paragraph on its own is enough for my support! TAYLORV. ALL THE WAY!

  11. Do you want to know why the economy is doing so poorly? The biggest reason is the consumers all around the nation. Consumers in America affect the economy greatly; they affect it in a negative way and in a positive way. The economy is failing due to consumers not spending money; they don’t spend money because prices have rocketed. The prices on goods and services have increased immensely because the businesses need more money. Another reason that the consumers affect the economy is because the unemployment rate has gone way up then it ever has been. So people don’t have jobs, therefore they don’t have money, therefore they can’t spend the money they don’t have. Consumers affect the economy in a helpful way too; say a business starts bringing in way more people than they even expected? Then that business would have to expand because they don’t have enough goods and services to satisfy the consumers. Consumers make a tremendous impact on the economy. Whether it may be in a positive way or a negative way, they still change the economy. Some may say in bad ways more than good ways because they look at how the economy is now. But some look on the bright side and start spending money. Better consumer’s equals better economy.

    1. Wow great paragraph Adrienne(: i agree with you when you say: The economy is failing due to consumers not spending money. Because that is exactly what is happing ! Good job(:
      Love, Katelyn!

    2. Good paragraph! I really like how you stated both sides of the story, not just one. I like how you used very little bias and are clear and to the point. Great job!

    3. I agree that we the consumers are the reason the economy is doing poorly. I also agree that the prices have skyrocketed and thats why no one wants to buy anything. I just wanted to say i liked how you closed the paragraph with” Better consumer’s equals better economy.”

  12. Have you ever wondered how your decisions as a consumer affect business and the economy? Just one decision from you could change the whole economy. The economy needs money to stay good but if the consumer (that’s you) doesn’t spend money on goods or services that makes businesses go out of business and the economy goes down and that creates a chain reaction and other business fall and the economy will fall to a low. A company buys items for the consumer but the consumer won’t buy it because the prices are too high. Every time a company loses money the economy goes down because the company is trying to make money by buying objects of want or need by the consumer but when the consumer doesn’t buy that object the company just wasted money on the object they bought for the consumer. Your unemployment can also affect the economy. Unemployment is a hard thing in a hard economy but the reason the economy might be low is because of unemployment. People who are unemployed are not making money therefor they cannot spend money which makes the economy go down which causes people who actually have jobs, to lose it. Businesses need consumers. Businesses need consumers to spend money to keep their business going otherwise they run out of money and go out of business and the economy drops because it just lost an attribute to making money. In conclusion to keep the economy good get a job, make money, and spend money.

    1. Hola,
      I agree that business are going to run out of money because of what they have to spend to make the products and what it costs to buy supplies.

    2. I like how you want to consumer to go out there more and just speend money to make the business stay good and yeah i think the emconmy is falling lower to and i think we do need to speend more money even if we don’t want to.

  13. What is causing the economy to be so bad? Well when you think about it, the most important part of the economy is the consumer, and right now they are not spending enough. Because of this bad economy, prices for most things have raised. Higher prices generally mean fewer buyers. No one wants to spend more money on things they don’t need. Along with not wanting to spend as much money, most people can’t. It’s hard to grow in this economy, so small business owners and pretty much everyone else don’t have as much money to spend as they used to. But looking at things in a positive way, some businesses are thriving. Like people say, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Some goods and services may not be needed in this recession while some others may be necessities that are very valuable and that consumers will be willing to buy. Businesses may think that they run their business, but really the consumers are the real bosses. Without consumers, businesses would be nothing.

    1. wow austin, the vocabulary and wording in this is to a level i thought far beyond your abilities good job!

    2. Dear Dana, who knew you were such a good writer? I agree with you when you say that Higher prices=less buyer. I also like when you say that consumers are the bosses. Very awesome paragraph.
      -Morgan 🙂

      1. Duh higher prices mean less buys, companies keep raising prices because consumers are saving their money and so to stay in business they must raise prices for the few people who aren’t saving their money. Its a circle of spanding thats why it is so difficult to get out of this recession.

  14. What is happening to our business economy? Well let me tell you, the consumers are not using as much money. They might not have much money to buy thing with like clothes, shoes and other things. The price is higher then what they were and so they need to save that money for a rainy day. They are saving their money for other things and they are trying to get more people to buy food. They want to go somewhere out of the country and see people or things. They don’t have any money. -Some people don’t have jobs or if they do they get paid very little pay for what they do. After what I told you, you might think that the consumer is making the economy go down more.

    1. I completely agree that people don’t have enough money so they are having to save up for everything that they need in everyday life. Of course people want to go places and see things but how are we supposed to do that if we don’t have the money. I don’t think it is the consumers making the economy go dow. I think that it is the economy that is making it less possible for people to buy things.

  15. Why is the economy so bad? Is it OUR fault? Not really, what happened was this. Today’s economy, let’s admit, isn’t doing too hot, in this paper we’ll be examining the consumer’s impact on that. Now we all know the consumer plays a big part in business but it’s a slippery slope once the economy starts downhill. Once the economy crashed back in 2008 people lost money, jobs, houses, cars, everything and hence decided there was only one way to survive… cut back on personal spending which for PEOPLE is a good idea but for EVERYONE pretty much spells economic doom, what happened was this, once the economy crashed and people started spending less there was less revenue going into businesses driving them out of business and in turn making the economy worse and worse. Now as this happens Barack Obama used his stimulus check plan to try and supplicate the downward spiral, which I think was good on paper but poorly executed as a plan. Now once businesses go down…something else happens people having saved up for a while want to splurge on some luxury items a new car, a new boat, even something as small as a nice lunch out but now there being very few surviving businesses of this type left the owners of these such businesses get to be rich again… and they don’t share. What happens next is very interesting businesses owned by these same people who have started to become rich again, spring up everywhere getting them richer and richer as the poor get more and more so. Now the best way to fix this (as proposed recently by president Obama) is to use a taxation shift so that the poor who can’t afford to pay very much taxes will be taxed less while the newly rich will be taxed more all bringing itself to a balance in theory this should give the government enough revenue to pay off the national deficit and start an economic recovery but until then just remember this all stemmed from us…the consumers

    1. I kinda agree with your first few sentences. But I thought that the consumers were at fault for the failing economy? But overall its good.

    2. this is very good i agree with how you said :Once the economy crashed back in 2008 people lost money, jobs, houses, cars, everything and hence decided there was only one way to survive… cut back on personal spending which for PEOPLE is a good idea but for EVERYONE pretty much spells economic doom, what happened was this, once the economy crashed and people started spending less there was less revenue going into businesses driving them out of business and in turn making the economy worse and worse

    3. no adrienne the consumer is ot TOTALLY at fault although some fault does fall to you and i most of it was the fault of the stock market crash in 2008 which causes a doownward spiral we are still having trouble recovering from because of its cyclic nature.

  16. Great business or not so great business they both have to rely on consumers to buy their goods or products. Consumers choose what they buy and who they buy it from. If you have a job you buy less, if you don’t like a product you don’t buy it, business are losing customers all the time. I think that the more people don’t have jobs can’t buy certain things certain business are going to go out of business. That affects the economy quite a bit. What happens when there is less business? Consumers can’t buy certain stuff when there is less business around. Consumers are what keeps businesses running, no consumers, no money an business.

  17. Why is the economy on a downfall right now? Well it’s all due to the consumers the less you buy the more the economy dives into a recession, and the more you buy the better the economy. The more you buy the better the economy will be because your putting money back into the system. This would mean more tax return for you in the long run. Another thing is that the more you buy the more jobs you’ll create, due to the increasing demand of goods. When you don’t buy there is less jobs because there is not a high demand for that product. The final thing is that the more money you spend the better because then the government won’t make more money. More money means the lower the value of the dollar. So try not to save money because the economy is bad buy more products and it will get better.

  18. How do you think Consumers make an effect on business and the economy? In your opinion is the economy good or bad? Is it right or wrong? Why I think the economy is doing horrible is because of how high prices are. Like in October of 08 Diesel fuel was $3.66 a gallon, now in October of 11’Diesel fuel is $3.84 a gallon. Now in America unemployed people have increased over time. We also have gained and dropped unemployed rates in the United States in September of 2010’ are 7.15%, in October of 2010 the rate is 7.1%, in November of 2010 is 7.3%, and in December of 2010 the rate is 6.5%. By us not getting paid we can’t afford the things that are high. Like gas prices we need gas to get places, and we need jobs to pay for the gas. Consumers have huge impact on not only the business but the economy too.

    1. I think that Sam is right because it is our fault, and check the numbers on the unemployment rates from 2010 compared to 2000 not just a month later, of cource the stats wil fluctuate. YES, we are still in a recession.

    2. I agree with you but I also agree with Sam. For whatever reason people stopped buying products and the economy went into recession

  19. I agree 100% with you, cunsumers do help the u.s in a positive way also. instead of us all looking at the negative

  20. I do not agree with the first 3 sentences because it was our fault the economy crashed and we are the reason why the economy still is where it is.

  21. “Your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself.” (Joseph Campbell) Why blame yourself? Because as the consumers of the world, we have the power to create an amazing economy or a horrible one. You personally add to the welfare of the nation’s economy. Our demand influences companies on what and how much products to sell. This statement is very reliable in that companies make and sell what the people of America demand; without demand, there’s nothing to sell, companies go out of business, economy goes down. What consumers do is a chain reaction. True. Each item you buy adds to a company’s profit, more money a company has, the more jobs they can hire, more jobs they can hire leads to more jobs for the people, more jobs for the people puts more money in their pocket, the more money to spend. This creates a convection economic cycle. Lastly, in order to get our economy up again, we need to get consumers to start buying. I think this statement is true is because once we start buying, the whole cycle can start running again and we won’t be in a recession. Overall, our recession is very solvable knowing that consumers control the economy.

    1. I agree with you when you said that consumers are the ones that make the economy the way it is. I also agree with you when you said there is an economic cylce, I never thought about that.

    2. I agree with your thoughts on way the economy is the way it is. I also agree that we need to get consumers buying again. I aso wanted to tell you that I like the way you started your paragraph with the whole fruit idea.

  22. The Economy is based on consumers. People think that the economy is based on the president but it is not it is based on us; we are the consumers the more goods we buy the economy gets better. We are the consumers we buy things we want and need. So we as the consumers have a big part in the economy. I think this is true because when we had more money we bought more stuff, now that we don’t have that much money any more we stopped buying a lot of stuff so the economy went down further. We as the consumers buy either a good or a service. When we spend money to get our cars cleaned we are paying for a service. When we are buying let’s say a bag of chips we are buying a good. So what I think is that instead of just services and goods why don’t we just make everything goods? Us as human beings have a lot of wants and needs, wants are things we don’t need to survive, needs are things we need to survive. We have a lot of wants and needs because of how technology is changing almost everything is digital then old school like the attendance a t school is by computer now. So do we as consumers make a big difference in the economy?

  23. Long ago, Isaac Newton stated that for every action, there is an equal opposite reaction. This still holds true today in the business world. In today’s world, the consumer controls everything. Whether it is food to fashion, electronics to exotic art, or just any other item you can buy, the consumer controls whether you will make it in the business world. The sentence above is completely true! Without a consumer, you have no money. Consumers have money. And when they spend that money, you make a profit which keeps your business up and running. You need money to make a profit don’t you? Without a consumer, the economy plummets because of lack of spending. Just look at our economy… And this all leads back to my original statement, you need a consumer’s money to make it in today’s world.

    1. I totally agree that we need consumers to spend thier money on businesses and what not and i also enjoyed your Isaac Newton quote

    2. haha its funny cause hes smart! no just kidding i love your wording though dylan and that you opened the paragraph with a fact instead of a question

    3. Dylan, your hook was great ! i agree completly with your paragraph and i and i like that you connected science to business.

  24. Have you ever wondered why are economy is so bad? How it never seems to get better? Well I was and I found out A few things. The thing is that the people are buying as much so it’s causing the economy to worsen. Not everyone has the money to be buying a lot! It’s becoming harder and harder for people to get jobs and the wonder why we’re not buying a lot. I think if they lower the price of common things like food it would be easier for people to buy more witch would help the economy. Getting a job can be difficult for everyone! Without jobs we can’t make any money and even if you a lucky enough to get a fair paying job do you rely have enough money to be spending it all? Everyone think to make their business thrive but how can it when no one has money. Running a business can be very challenging especially if you don’t have anyone to by your product. Economy isn’t going to get any better unless we can get more people buying.

  25. What source is more vital to our economy then the government? Well, it is the consumers. They can create a good economy if they purchase businesses items or they can destroy an economy. Consumers buy what businesses sell. For example, if the consumers choose not to buy items businesses sell, then businesses fall apart and that takes away jobs. Furthermore, consumers are the base of our economy. They control the money and they decide where it goes. Moreover, the consumers make the businesses profitable. If the business doesn’t create something they want, then they won’t buy it. In conclusion, consumers are the most important part of our economy.

    1. I agree with you because jobs are good for people and the more money there is to go around, the businesses can function better. Good work and that was amazing.

    2. I agree very deeply, the consumers need to start buying more from businesses. Then we could finally get out of this reccesion

    3. I agree with you that if consumers choose not to but items that businesses sell that the business will fall apart and that it will take away jobs. Good Job

  26. Do you think the world should sit back and wait for the economy to fix itself? I think we, as consumers, should do something about it. Consumers hold the key to not only saving the economy, but also helping out themselves and others. People buy things every day, and when you are spending money you are in turn helping the economy and businesses around you by keeping money spinning. A healthy economy needs to have two things in balance: consumer saving, and consumer spending. These need to be balanced because if no one is spending, and there is too much saving, then goods and services can’t be sold and those businesses may go under. However if there is too much of the opposite then there isn’t enough capital to invest. Spending may be hard to do now because of lack of income due to the severe drop in the job market. The market has gone down 50 percent since 2007 according to the Huffington Post. Even though spending may be hard right, and understanding how everything works is tough, it is your job as a consumer to save the economy.

    1. I agree with the balance between businesses and consumers you mentioned. If too much money is built up on either side (business or consumer side) then one or the other will be in trouble (because of lack of money). This means that later on, both could be in trouble because businesses and consumers rely on each other.

  27. Consumers Control the Economy!
    By; Sawyer Robison
    Ever wonder why our economy has gone down south? Consumers are the most important part to an economy. If the consumer decides to save their money and not spend it then our economy will struggle. I think that if the consumers just spent more money on goods or services then our economy would be doing just fine. Our government needs to raise taxes if the consumers won’t put their money in the economy willingly. If our economy doesn’t raise taxes then there is no way we are going to get out of this recession any time soon. There are so many senior citizens as well that we can’t afford as a nation to insure all of them. If a forty year old man breaks his leg, he has to pay the medical bill to fix it, but if an eighty year old man breaks his leg in the same way then the government pays for the medical bill with the taxes that consumers pay, that is ridiculous. There are many things that can be improved in our government, it’s time for the consumers and the government to make the right choice and not keep putting the inevitable off until later.

    1. This makes no sense. It started out fine but now what do old people have to do with the economy? I mean, I get what your trying to say but there are more things to the failing economy than old people health insurance. The people should already have health insurance and most people at age eighty are retired and have a retirement fund.But other than all of that, it was good.

  28. Have you ever wondered how you can have an effect on the economy? Well, if you didn’t know, every decision consumers make, whether large or small, has an effect on the economy. Businesses rely on consumers. They are the reason that the business is functioning. The business’ services or goods were created based off the demand that the consumer has, and if there was no demand, the business would have to be shut down. But if consumers (us) bought the product, then the business could stay alive and keep going, and raise the stock of the business. Secondly, the economy is made up of all these businesses that supply the demand. If nobody had any demand and no one bought anything, the business’ stock would go down and so would the economy. Last, as you (the consumer) buy something, the business makes money and is able to invent new ideas of what they could market. Then, the business can progress and the stock can increase. Consumers basically are the backbone of businesses, and without them, there wouldn’t be an economy.

    1. I think one reason people arent buying things is because well people are losing there jobs and getting layed off. Then they cant find a job because of the economy so its like a on going cycle.

    2. I agree with you that consumers are basically the backbone of business. It’s true that if we didn’t have them then there wouldn’t be an economy.

    3. I agree with your paragraph sam. I think that businesses do function because of the demand of consumers.

  29. The Consumers
    Consumers. The Economy revolves around the consumers. Consumers are the people of the world that buy goods and services from businesses and businesses have to give some money to the government and goes to the economy. Consumers are before the government and any big corporation or business. But the consumers are one of the reasons that the economy is in its recession, without consumers there is no economy. One reason consumers are important is that if the consumers don’t buy anything, then the economy can’t make any money. But for every goods or services bought from a business there is money that helps the economy. No consumer means no economy at all. But one bad thing that is happening is the unemployment rate. Nevada is the highest unemployed state in the U.S. The unemployment rate has gone from like 4% to 13% in the span of three years. The Economy could not survive without the consumers, without consumers the economy is useless. So the expression “the costumers always right” is a very true statement.

    1. I agree to how the economy revolves around the consumer but how you put the last few sentances makes it sound like the economy is a “living thing”. If there were no consumers this would mean there were no businesses to provide goods. If both where gone, then yes, the economy would not survive, however i dont think this will ever happen.

    2. I agree with most of your chunk paragraph. An economy can survive without a consumer for a while, but the longer its without a consumer the worse it gets. I think you should have just did the average for the U. S. instead of one state because it only shows that state which is much worse than the whole average.

    3. Haden i agree, i also like that you put facts in your paragraoh i would have never known that nevada is the highest unemployed state in the US.

  30. What would happen to our economy if consumers decided to stop buying? Businesses, which make up any economy, would fail without the most vital source of “life” around to keep them going – the consumers. The purpose of businesses is to make a profit, and how else would they make a profit without someone to buy their items or services? There’s no way to be provided for if there is no provider. One way to look at this is like animal-plant relationships: plants give oxygen for animals to breath; animals give carbon dioxide for plants to breath. This give-and-take process is like business workers/owners and consumers because while businesses provide consumers with necessary or wanted items, consumers provide businesses with much needed money. In 2008, the Stock Market crashed. Because major businesses were not being paid by the consumer, income for businesspeople declined rapidly and many businesses failed. Just like the earth orbits the sun, businesses orbit consumers.

  31. America is in a recession and the only way we can get out is by consumers buying and selling and regaining confidence in the economy, this is the only way. Our market is based upon consumers. When people don’t trust that the market is going to do justice to the business they won’t invest. When the trust that a business is going to do well it does because that business needed money and now if it was the stock market they invested in, they just received more money which they can spend and better help the whole market. I think that if we just trust in our country and businesses we can get out of a recession, just remember that consumers are the key to successes and always be. Since the consumer is so important you should aim for the consumer since they are all your business is. Advertising and other thing are based around consumers because how they see it is how well you do in the market. If you are a business owner go for the consumer and listen to what they say because they are always right.

    1. I agree with Samira. We should be able to trust in our country with money, but history’s shown that we can’t really trust a president that puts us in debt to only help Health Insurance. And sometimes people don’t want to work, but they have to because they don’t get paid a penny for the days that they’re sick, and they’ve got to make money so they can keep their house, or help their family. Being a consumer has a lot more stricter rules lately, and trusting our country to solve the problem isn’t working.

  32. I agree wit about the prices going up and everything but have you ever thought that people sometimes dont want to work?i also agree about the unemployment rate it has gone up the past few years but lately it has been dropping a little though but that wont help the economy crisis that we are in right now right?

  33. Think about how the world would be if we didn’t have consumers in our economy. I we didn’t have consumers there would be no economy. Everything that consumers do affects business and the economy. Consumers put all the businesses in competition with each other for which has more of the things people want to buy and how low can they keep the price so that the consumers are happy. For example the unemployment rate has luckily dropped in the last year, but in November of last year it was at 10.1%. Presently it is at 9.1%, which is still a lot of people out of work. I think because consumers are having more financial troubles, people haven’t been buying as much as they used to, because they don’t have the money to. That is what makes the economy go down. Another thing that consumers want is the latest, newest thing. That makes businesses work harder to come out with something better all the time. I think that’s good, because people inventing new things might open up new jobs for people to do, so the unemployment rate will go down. Stock markets also are a big part of the economy. If consumers aren’t buying things like stocks, the stock market will go down and will send the economy into a slump. Consumers are needed, because when no one is buying into companies, then the companies will lose money. Consumers are a vital part in today’s economy. They affect business and the economy. Without consumers, there would be no economy.

    1. I agree with the part of your paragraph in which you said consumers put businesses in competition with each other. Because the businesses rely on the consumers, they need to fight for what keeps them going.

  34. Consumers Decisions
    The only way businesses can run and make money is though their consumers. But how the consumers make that decision is what affects business and the economy. In this case, such as what the consumers want and what they need. Things such as clothes and food are essential in our survival and is something that we need, where as iPods are something that we don’t need but is something that we would like to have. And the consumers have to buy what they need but it is their decision if they want to spend their money on things they want. Another way the consumers decision affect the business and economic world is if whatever is on the market is selling. If there is a new product on the market and it is not selling them the producers won’t make any money but if it is selling them the businesses will make a profit depending on the consumer’s decision. My final point to make is if the consumers have money or not. Because the consumers can’t buy anything if they don’t have any money, and if the consumers don’t have money then stuff won’t sell and that affect businesses, the market, and the economy. So in the end everything can only succeed if it has a consumer, such as businesses and the economy and it is their decision if the businesses crash and fail or make a profit and succeed.

    1. I definitly agree with your statements about the consumers themselves instead of bankers or major companies taking the spotlight, especialy when you said in order to spend money you need to have money. Great Stuff(:

  35. Why is the economy in a rough patch?
    The economy is in a rough patch because of what consumer decisions are.
    Consumer decisions effect the economy, because if they don’t buy things then business have to rise prices to stay going and soon go out of business unless they are a mandatory business.
    This is only one of the reasons there are a lot but they all do with how consumers use their money.
    The stock market is also why our economy is in such a bad position.
    People don’t always trust everything so they don’t buy stocks.
    There is not enough jobs for everyone, so not all people have jobs
    I think we need to create jobs so people can have money and that helps the economy because if everyone has money business won’t have to raise prices.
    so if we make better decisions the economy just might get better.

  36. Consumers do many different things to the economy that affects people and/or to their business. This paragraph will be talking about how decisions consumers make affect business and the economy. One reason is that people in our society are not spending much money because of the economy. I think it is because people don’t have as much money because many people don’t have jobs to make money and buy things. Another thing is that businesses have not been making much money because of the economy in our society. Since that is happening, businesses aren’t hiring many employees because the business isn’t making a profit to pay the employees for their work. The last thing is that the unemployment rate is way up then past years. The rate in 2006 was 4.6 and now it’s grown up to 9.6 in the last five years. These are some of the ways consumers affect business in the economy.

  37. Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body – the producers and consumers themselves, (Herbert Hoover).
    The economy does not revolve around Wall Street or even the government, it revolves around the consumer’s themselves. The main problem is that major companies are firing good hard working people, because the companies themselves are to idiotic to figure out how to make some real money to support themselves. Not just the companies pay for this mistake, the employees do to.
    Another problem for the economy is the people relying on the government to fix the problem. Giving money to the government so they can spend it on bailing out companies is not the greatest idea because, giving companies that are financially “stupid” more money, is like putting out a fire with lots of gasoline.
    The last issue our economy is facing is greed. People, Presidents, and other countries all want money no matter how you look at it, greed is one of the reasons we had a recession in the first place. That’s why the economy does not just rest on the government’s shoulders, but also ours.

    1. I very well enjoyed your piece i especially liked the “to put out fire with more gasoline” reference i thought it was funny.

    2. I agree, because the goverement is already using money we don’t have, so it’s not really our fault that the goverment’s stupid, they’re the ones making ignorant choices.

  38. How do decisions consumers make affect business and economy? Consumers affect business and economy because if consumers don’t buy then business slows down and economy crashes. If a consumer stops buying from a business the business loses money. If the business has no money they can’t make their payments on their business giving them no profit. If the consumers stop buying their business will probably go out of business. Consumers affect the economy because consumers are who business are trying to target, so that they can make money. The problem with this is for example apple came out with the Ipad which was very popular and everyone wanted to buy it but then Samsung and other companies came out with their own version of Ipad maybe for less than apple was selling there so now consumers go for the better deal. Decisions businesses make have to be decisions consumers will go after. If businesses don’t make the right decision on their product and consumes don’t buy, they lose money. Consumers affect the economy in more ways than one.

  39. I agree that consumers are the key, but they should never be afraid to spend to much and they should trust businesses

  40. Alex
    I agree with everything u stated. I agree with how u stated that the reason people aren’t most likely spending money is because of the increase in job loss and mainly becasue people just dont have it. I think that was a clever thing to put. I also put that in my blog. Good job buddro

  41. The decision’s you make always have an effect on something, aren’t you wondering what? Well in that case it is the economy, now I’m sure our wondering why. Well I’m going to tell you. Every time we the consumers make a buy the economy or business goes up in stock. Which is a good thing for the business I thought? Many of us did not know what happened when we made a purchase from a business. This is my reasoning on how decisions affect the economy.

  42. Do you ever think how you could be affected if you didn’t buy the normal house hold items? Things such as toothpaste, hand soap, and toilet paper are things you use every day most the time you want to buy the best of everything. If you’re in a store looking for the right toothpaste and you see Colgate Total and it says dentist recommended but it’s in a boring box, and then you see Chest Whitening and it’s in a shiny box and it says it whitens and brightens your teeth to be honest I would rather buy that one because it appeals to my eye. We as the consumers want to buy the best of everything and when the stores make a product look good on self we’re more likely to buy it. Without consumers there would be no business for any of the stores, restaurants, etc. Consumers make a huge effect on the business industry and the economy. Now a day’s electronics are the new thing everyone wants to have such as the IPad, IPhone, etc. The IPhone has been booming in sales because it’s the new thing and everyone wants one. So if people stopped buying IPhones they would be going way down in there business. If consumers stop buying the economy would go way down and they wouldn’t be making any money at all. All I’m trying to say is no consumers means no money.

  43. What is truly hurting our economy?
    Consumers are the most important resources in our economy. The economy is so bad right now because people are not spending enough money mainly because of job loss. Economy revolves around consumers very much, the consumers are what make the economy how it is. I believe that consumers are important to the economy because of the money spent. I believe that if consumers don’t spend enough money what are we supposed to work with to get the economy going again. Practically everybody will spend money each day. Whether it’s on gas, groceries, phones, shoes, anything. The point is that people spend money, just not enough.

    1. I agree that people don’t spend money because they don’t have a job. Well not all people spend money each day because there are homeless people who don’t have money at all.

  44. We the consumers have the power! Did you know that we control the economy by the decisions we make? Whether you’re going out to eat at your favorite restaurant or grabbing a quick bite to eat at lunch, you’re helping boost the economy. When you spend money you are helping improve the economy, when people stop spending money is when the economy starts to fall. Consumers aren’t spending money as much anymore and that is affecting the economy in a negative way. For example people are losing jobs and can’t pay their bills let alone pay for extra things like going to the movies. This sends the economy to into a downward spiral. Most people think is a good idea to save but it’s just causing the market to get worse. If people who are still doing good in this economy start spending instead of saving, we might be able to reboot the bad economy. So get out and start spending because we the consumers have the power to change this economy around.

    1. I never really thought that your helping the economy by going out to eat, but you are totaly right! Nice job! But i think people should still save a bit :p.

  45. What types of decisions do you as a consumer make for our economy? The things consumers do to the economy. The rate of unemployment is very high. On average 9.1% of our people are unemployed and can’t get a job. The rates of 2008 were as low as 4.8% and only got to a high of 7.2%. Since our economy is in a recession, the people don’t have money. Going back to the first part, many people don’t have a job, which means they don’t have money for their needs or wants. Most people borrow money to get the things they need and want. The more money people borrow the higher the prices go up. When people keep borrowing more and more money the government has to make more money which makes prices go up. Depending on what kind of things we do as consumers change the way our economy is.

  46. “The consumer isn’t a moron. She is your wife.”- David Ogilvy
    Consumers, we the people, are important to today’s economy because of the decisions we make with our money. In the economy world, businesses form and grow and sometimes die. Why? Because businesses rely on the consumers, we the people, to buy their products. I guess you could say that the whole economy, the whole business industries, revolves around the consumers, us again. Why does it all revolve around us? Well, we have the money, we have to drive to want the goods, and we want things that others have.
    As a human being, we love stuff and we can’t get enough of it, a totally awesome sin. It’s called drive. And the thing that satisfies our drive? It’s the green pieces of paper that have the dead presidents staring at us called money. All of us have the drive, the want, to buy stuff. I have to admit, I just bought a soda the other day, because I knew I had the money, and I wanted a soda. That was my drive. Also, my Dad had a soda and I wanted one, so I wanted what someone else had. Without drive, what would money be worth to us? That’s right, nothing. Without money, we couldn’t get anything, neither could other people. And then those other people who have the cool things that you wanted wouldn’t push you to the point you wanted the goods.
    In my defense, we, the consumers, are very vital, important, to the economy and the world of business. It’s like a completed circle with us, because they get their money, and we get the things that we’ve always wanted.

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