Business and Consumers

Using the chunk paragraph format covered in class, explain how the decisions business makes affect you as a consumer. After you have posted your paragraph, please respond to two classmates post with thoughtful comments and/or constructive criticism.

106 thoughts on “Business and Consumers

  1. Do you ever wonder when you’re buying something, that a different aspect of that product could affect you’re decision in some way? In some way every decision a company makes affects us as consumers in some way no matter what. Like the price for example, would we buy this or that if it was this price or not? Well of course it would, as consumers, we are not going to buy something that is overpriced, but strive for a deal that is cheap and benefits us and fits our budgets. Where the company puts their stores also affects us, but why? Well we aren’t going to travel a huge distance just to buy something at a store. The gas we use to get there in our cars may cost more than the product we want. Thirdly, the product they’re selling affects us. If we are going to buy bread and go to a super market and there is no bread, consumers won’t want to go back to buy stuff they don’t have. These are just three reasons why companies decisions affect us, there are many more but these are some that I find important.

    1. I think that your information is very useful and i agree with all of your points. However, some of your sentences don’t make sense. So i would clarify/change a few of them to fit the paragraph better.

    2. kyle,
      i like what you said about “evey decision a company make affects us as consumers no matter what.” but i have to say i disagree with you on the part where you said ” if its over priced people don’t buy it” because sometimes if somthing is priced higher then people will also think its higher quality and may buy it.

    3. I really agree with you points on how the prices chosen for items can affect weather or not we buy them but I do agree with brandon I was a bit lost on some of those sentences.

    4. very true on the overly pricing and good point on the gas prices on how consumers and business over price things in todays money system. over all very informitve

  2. Have you ever wondered how business’ decisions affect consumers? Decisions that businesses make affect consumers in multiple ways. First, if the business opens up a new store, it affects the consumer. It gives jobs to the consumers, which gives them money, which they spend, which helps the economy. Second, if the business makes the product they are selling more accessible, say you can buy it online, then that will make the consumer happier. When the consumer is happy, they spend more money. Finally, when a business sells things that are needed and wanted in the area, the consumer will buy them. When a consumer buys them that helps the economy. So, if a business opens up a new store, makes the product easily accessible, and sells things that are needed/wanted, everything works out positively. When the consumer and business work together, the economy goes well. When businesses go out of business and other negative things happen, then consumers don’t buy, people lose jobs, and it’s just a downward spiral of no-goodness.

    1. I think this was a very well thought out paragraph with lots of good information. I like how you talked about how busnisses decisions affect the consumers, which in turn affects how the economy does.

    2. But what if a business makes or gets to much of a produce won’t that hurt them like say they get alot of food but that food goes bad and they have to get rid of it wo’nt that mean they are loosing money.

    3. I like your points on how when business brings in new stores that it also supplys jobs and money to people to spend wich helps our economy, I completely agree with you.

  3. How Businesses Affect Consumers
    Brandon Speer
    Have you ever been on your way to your favorite store five minutes away from your house and when you get there it’s changing locations? This is just one of many ways that businesses decisions affect consumers. Stores changing locations, lowering prices of products or opening new stores are some of the ways. One of the most frustrating for consumers is when stores change locations. I think that sometimes it is very convenient, and for others it is not convenient at all. When stores lower their prices on a product, everybody wins. When one person finds this out, he/she calls his friend, that person calls her friend, and so on. The business and consumers both gain on this decision. When a new store is opened, it is a win/lose situation. People who need jobs can apply for a job, but competing stores have another store to compete against. After reading this paragraph, I hope you now realize that the decisions businesses make affect the consumers.

    1. I think you did a great job writing this paragraph and put great information into it. I like how you have the pros and cons for businesses starting up.

    2. I agree with this. When a business opens a new store in an area, more people will have access to their products, resulting in more customers.

    3. I like your example of getting to a store then its moving because I have had that happen. The win/lose situation is very true. Good Job.


    Nearly 7 out of 10 businesses decide to change their original product after it has started to become popular. Businesses affect consumers by changing their products, changes in their prices, and the locations consumers can purchase the products. Making a big change in products is a risky decision of businesses because it can either make or break a company. When Coke really started getting popular new management came in and announced they were going to change the formula many people did not like this so they ended up not buying their product any more. When companies change their prices it usually causes a major increase in sales or a major drop. If it increases then the people who don’t have very much money will stop purchasing the item but if the price drops then more people who could not afford it before can now. The locations of the stores that carry a certain item can also affect consumers in the since that if there are more stores then more people have access to the product. Also if businesses have a limited amount of stores then they can only provide products to a small hand full of consumers. Businesses affect consumer in many ways that benefit consumers but also some that affect them negatively.

    1. I agree with you Matt that the decisions a company makes could be vital to its business. But when decreasing the price on something could also break the company and force them to go out of business. Without profit the company would surely fail, so decreasing the prices may not always be a good thing.

    2. i agree with the location change of a business which is not good. but it can also be a good thing because you would have more access to the store

  5. Did you know that businesses can make dictions that can affect consumers? Businesses make decisions that can affect consumers in good ways and bad. When a business closes down it will affect consumers in a bad way. If a business closes down it will make it so you can’t get the product that you want from there also it will put you at a struggle to get that product. Another way it can affect us as consumers is if a business comes out with a new product. When they do come out with a new product it will give people a new thing to buy that could improve their life or make it worse depending on what it is. One last way that a business can affect consumers would be if they opened a new store. When they open a new store it gives people a chance to get a job witch can get them money and can help them live a better life. In conclusion people can affect business in many ways but business can do the same in some different ways witch can be good and bad.

    1. I had a lot of the same points that you had. I like how you discussed how businesses affect consumers, as well as how consumers affect businesses.
      P.S. I think you spelled decision wrong in your question. You said diction. Haha.

    2. i like what you said about the business’ closing and how it would affect people. i also agree with them opening anoher store, that could really heklp out the people

  6. Each decision made for a business affects you and the people around you. When a business makes a decision with their products it can make a difference whether or not it gets sold. First of all when a new item comes into the market it is very high priced. As for when new phones come out the older ones lose in value because they aren’t as advanced. Second, there is a lot more selling when businesses put the items on sale. When school is about to start there is a time when clothes go on sale for the best deal. Last but not least the businesses help out the job market. When new businesses open it provides new jobs for people who need them. Every decision made is either good or bad for the consumer. Every person is affected by these decisions.

  7. Have you ever wondered why decisions in business affect you as a consumer? Business is a crazy thing especially when it comes down to selling and profiting from consumers. Something that you would want to know in business is trading. My opinion on trading is if the product is of the same value or more expensive than your making a good deal. Another thing to do when in business is you want to get your consumers to buy maybe a few other deals. You want to do that in order to attract your consumer in buying the big product. Lastly, as a business person the main thing you want to know if you are profiting. You will know when you are profiting when you start to make money you didn’t have before you started the product. So here is just a brief look into the life of being a person in business.

    1. Profit is always good thing, but you don’t want to turn the customer away with multiple decisions and products at once. The consumer is the most important part of a companies success, you want that success to be consistent so trying to cram multiple things into a consumers lap may turn them away for good.

    2. Anthony,
      about half way though your paragraph you got off topic an started talking about somthing else other than the way businesses affect consumers. overall nice paragraph though(:

  8. Can the decisions that businesses make affect you as consumers? Well the answer I’ve found is that yes the decisions that businesses make can affect you, in both good and bad ways. Such as decisions that some businesses make can affect the economy or the other way around, the economy can affect the business based on its decisions. So if the businesses decision affects the economy it also can affect us by affecting our jobs, payments, taxes, etc. But also the businesses decisions could mainly just affect us as buyers too, because the decisions that they make can determine whether or not they stay and in business and what products they carry. Those could really affect us because if the store stops carrying the supplies we need or runs out of business then we would have to drive to a different and further away store taking more time and gas. Businesses decisions on prices on items can also affect us as consumers! Such as say if the product is not selling but they lower the price the chances are that we are probably more likely buy the product, but if the item is still selling really well they might bump up the price a bit so they are making more money. So if you’ve ever wondered how the decisions that businesses make affect us these were just some of the things I found.

    1. i agree with that
      . Those could really affect us because if the store stops carrying the supplies we need or runs out of busines should have put that in my paper

    2. You are right when you say “if the item is selling really well they might bump up the price a bit so they are making money”. Most companys really do that.

    3. This information you put in is great and very truthful. I also agree with you that when a business loses a product it affects people badly.

    4. If a business got rid of their store in a town, they would lose customers. You were right on that point. That would force people to buy from that company online and people dont like to pay for the shipping and wait for it to come in.

  9. Did you know that consumers effect business decisions a lot? How do consumers affect business decisions? If a business raises there prices some people will stop buying the product because they don’t want to pay that much money. I think that business shouldn’t raise their prices because when people stop buying the product they will lose money. If they decide to make a new product that people like people will start buying it. I think that consumers affect this cause when people start buying it the company will start making more money. If the store were to make changes that people didn’t like they would stop going to the store .Then the store would lose business and then they would have to close down. That is why consumers are such a big part of the decisions that a business make, and also have a big effect on businesses.

    1. you made a good point on the way they raise prices and how there a big part in the decisions to bringing down prices

  10. There are many things that we as consumers need to know about the business we are buying from. There are 3 main points for us consumers when you are buying something first is the product and what is does, second is price, and thirdly is business history. A thing we need to know as consumers when we buying is what the product is and what it does. When the iPod touch came out everyone wanted is because you could listen to music, play games, and go on online. Another thing we need to know as consumers when we buying is the price. When Wii came out everyone wanted then X-box Kinect came out so Wii went down in price somewhat. The last thing that we need to now as consumers when we are buying is the business history. If the business has a bad history of cellphone acting up or something like that it wouldn’t be a good idea to buy from them. The 3 main point us as consumers need to know when we are buying is the product and what is does, second is price, and thirdly is business history.

    1. I like how you used examples (xbox, ipod touch) in your paragraph of how something new can come up, reducing the price of something old.

  11. A business exists because the consumer is willing to pay you his money.-Peter Drucker. A valid point, the consumer is the number one factor in an economy. A business needs money to maintain business. A business has to cover the cost of making the good or service and still make profit after taxes, but they can’t do that if their good or service is not wanted by the consumers. In order for a bad economy to come up, the consumer needs to spend more. If the consumer isn’t spending money, companies fire workers and pay less, then people have less money to spend and a vicious circle begins. If a consumer does not want a product, they won’t buy it. This is why businesses always need to change their product to fit what the consumers want. Consumers wants & needs make the economy and businesses.

    1. This is a good paragraph but i got one thing to ask you what if the buiness has stuff that people like but they have there product priced to high and the people in that area cant aford it would that mean there going to have to close down or just lower prices or change location?

  12. Good post Aidan. You had a lot of points that didn’t even cross my mind. I like how you discussed how business’ affect consumers, and how consumers affect business’.

  13. How does a business affect us as consumers…..well no you are about to find out,
    We all buy goods don’t we, well they have to come from somewhere and everything we buy is from a company and the produces the goods and then sell them to a store and we as the consumer buy that good. And if the consumer party buys a lot of that good well a business might see people buy frequently the company might decide to drive the price up so they can make a bit more profit. Or they will make less of that product to drive the market and people will pay more for something that they want and there is less of this is called “supply and demand” there is less produce and more demand so this makes the price drive up and the consumer will pay more. And lastly company will drop the price and have a flood of people and make more money in the long run but will have a slower profit gain

    1. I definately agree with your post! You make a very good point and you put two and two together! Great post!!!

  14. Did you know that business affect consumers but also a consumer has a big effect on a business too. Businesses can really relay on consumers to make their company better or go up so people know about it. One of the ways consumers can make it better is how much the buy from that company. I think this is true because it really does depend on how often people want to shop at that store. Another good reason that consumers have an effect is cause that business has good products in it and for a good price that people like. My thoughts on this is a little cheap cause businesses can have good products but they are not guaranteed so then all hell breaks loose with people all mad. Business need to make money so they will do whatever it takes to make money. I think this is true about a business they need to make a profit so they can feed their families to. Over all businesses effect consumers and a consumer can effect a business at the same time.

  15. How Businesses Affect Consumers
    By Ben Sottilare

    Did you know that businesses affect consumers in countless different ways? If so, then you know that when business make new decisions on products, prices, store locations, etc. they cause us (the consumer) to be affected in numerous ways. For example, businesses can affect us by putting in new products while removing old ones from their stock. By doing this, a product we like can become unavailable and a new version of it will become available that we may or may not want to buy. In addition, businesses can raise or lower prices on their products when there is more or less supply and demand for a product. When a product becomes more expensive we may not want to buy it anymore unless we really want and if it becomes less expensive there might be a rush to get it (like on Black Friday), but only if you want it. Lastly, when businesses open more stores in more locations they hire new employees for those store that can also affect us as consumers. When the employees are making more money from their new job, they spend more money as a consumer causing consumers to be affected. By opening new stores we also have more places to go to the store (that may be closer to us) causing us in turn to spend more money there as a consumer. So as you can see, when businesses make changes to their prices, locations, or products that are available, we as the consumer are affected in many diverse ways.

    1. Ben. I agree with you when saying that when businesses lower their prices on products that are too high and no people are buying them, then people might all of a sudden rush in to get that particular item, since it is now at a reasonable price. I enjoyed your illistration of black friday, that is a good example.

  16. In business today companies are competing against the best products and profits. Why do you think they come out with new products every year? It is because of the consumers and the ceos of the company change their business decisions and what they think the consumer would like instead of their older and outdated product. But for people with their own business can do what they want to and choose what they want to put on their shelves and sell but if it is a major company then you have to think what the people are going to want not what you want. That’s why I would want to own my own business instead of working or owning a huge corporate company known all over the world. So I can make my own decisions and make profit and try to live the American dream, another thing prices of products are sometimes overly priced or when trying to buy something from another country, Here’s an example there are a exclusive pair of Nikes only available in Hong Kong for the price of $150, and it’s your decision to spend half of your paycheck on a pair of shoes then rather buying something useful to yourself. Consumers always buy things that are either popular, useful or just buy thing for their entertainment. Like shelter, food clothing that is what you need to live on earth but it’s the consumer’s choice to buy shelter, food, and clothing. Then it is the company’s choice to make newer products and drop the older ones nobody buys. This is why the world goes round money ,consumers ,companies and products and choices.

  17. The question most entrepreneurs ask is “How can I create a business that can give me and my employees a sustainable job and make it last?” If you make all or the right decisions, your business will prosper, if not, you could lose a lot of customers or never even have any in the first place. You first need to find something that people will always want or need (e.g. food, clothing, and electronics). If you don’t have something that draws customers in, you’re probably not going to do so well. You also need to put your store/shop in a place where everybody will see it. If you put it somewhere downtown, more people will see your business as opposed to if you put it out in the middle of the desert where nobody goes. You also need to keep track of money and supplies. Sure, having a lot of supplies mean you’ll get more costumers but be aware of how much you’re paying for the supplies and how much you’re paying the employees; if you overspend on supplies, you won’t have enough to pay for your employees and you’ll lose a lot if not all of your workforce.

    1. I agree with what you said about the location, i tottaly forgot about that aspect of business. And I liked what you said about keeping track of money and stock i mentioned something like that in my post as well.

  18. Everyday consumers are buying goods or services. Whether it be some groceries for tonight’s dinner, or an oil change on your car, consumers are very important in keeping the economy fluctuating. While some might say those consumers and their choices is the most important part of the economy, businesses and their decisions also have a huge effect. When businesses decide to “lay-off” a worker or many workers, those people may not have the money to buy their “wants” and maybe just enough for their “needs”. If many businesses follow this pattern, then it could potentially put other businesses out of business because of consumer’s lack of money for those business’s goods. On a lighter note, if businesses start lowering prices on theirs good or services, then consumers will be able to purchase more things, improving the economy. For example, if Beats by Dr. Dre lowered prices on their studio head phones from around $300 to about $150, then with the money that the consumer saved, they would be able to purchase an ITunes gift card to download more music, boosting the music industry. Another choice that businesses make that affect consumers is by raising the prices. Raising prices sometimes can be a good thing, but more often than not, it’s a bad thing. If prices are raised, then people, weather they have a job or not, will more likely save their money. If we go back to the head phone example, but instead raise prices to $500 rather than $300, people are less likely to buy it, but if they do, then they will probably not be able to purchase the gift card. Like I said the consumers make the economy fluctuate and make the companies money.

  19. I understand your reasoning on wanting to own your own business rather than working at a large franchise. It’s easier to make your own decisions instead of having to go through a long process.

  20. The term “business manager” is practically synonymous with “puppet master.” I know this because the way that they make, sell, and advertise their items determines whether or not they buy it. When a business makes an item, they make it look like something you would want. They make hand held items small and compact, as well as colorful and attractive, and bigger house items stylish so it can match the décor. When you stroll the isles at the store and look for something, would you buy a giant bulky monstrosity, or an elegant, compact item that you wouldn’t be embarrassed using? Businesses also choose where they sell an item carefully. If they are trying to get teens to buy a brand new video game, they probably won’t want to put it on the shelves in Grannies’ R Us. The location where the item is up for sale should always fit the audience who’s most likely to buy it. The way a product is advertised is also a big deal. If a commercial is bland and monotone, you’ll probably flip the channel. But if a commercial starts playing music, or a spunky person comes on the screen to tell you about the item for sale, you just might stick around. Little jingles about a product can also be effective. I know that because after every “Daisy Sour Cream” commercial, I have that annoying little tune in my head for the rest of the day. Business managers will do anything to get your money. But at least they’re smart about it.

  21. No business can survive without consumers, but how do businesses influence consumers? Advertisements, sales, and updated stock are the three main ways they influence consumers. The first reason they influence is advertisement which can be through T.V., radio, or text. I think advertisements influence consumers more than anything because ads interrupt T.V. shows and songs on the radio that you have to listen to them. The second way is that they hold sales and other specials to draw consumers in and get them to spend money. Personally I would be more likely to buy a product or service if they had a 20% off coupon rather than paying full price. The final way businesses influence consumers is updated stock. If there was a business selling clothes from the 80s and another store selling up-to-date clothing, most people would buy from the store that is selling the new trends and fashions. Businesses survive off of consumers’ money and these have been the main ways they draw them in.

    1. I agree with you about the commercials, sales and updated stock. These are all things that affect me as a consumer. I always hate listening to those commercials on TV and am definitely influenced by sales and what is the store is selling.

    2. I agree with how updated stocks affect consumers. If a business sells old items, people won’t want to buy their product no matter how much they advertise it.

  22. There are numerous ways that businesses all over the world affect consumers that are interested. Some of those ways are pretty strange, some are pretty cool, and some ways are just plain stupid. For example, the way that Oxy Clean sells their products is by actually showing the product in action. What I mean is like when people get grass stains on their short, they show their product actually take away the stain. Another way they sell their products is by doing strange things. What I mean by this is how people try to sell you things by walking up to your door and expecting you to have them demonstrate the product inside your house. This can also be a stupid way that they sell their product. By this I mean that they have to sell a certain amount for a vacation or something. These are just some of the ways that businesses can sell their product to you. So be careful, because you know what they might try to pull on you.

  23. Businesses can get our attention in so many different ways it makes my head spin! Every little thing that businesses do can have a major effect on the common consumer. One way businesses affect us to get people to buy their product is advertising. Whenever I turn on the television there are commercials, one after another constantly. They always try to convince you to buy their product by maybe showing us how fun it is or that someone famous is using it. Secondly, if a company should go out of business there is always a shortage of whatever their supplying which usually stinks. I love dried mango so when the Vitamin Cottage near my house went out of business it was terrible. No one else sold that product so now I have no dried mango. Lastly, if a new business opens up normally that is a good thing for a consumer. Now you might have a new source of some product or maybe some item could be less expensive there than somewhere else. So no matter what a business does, big or little, it affects every consumer in the adjacent area.

    1. I totally agree with the advertising and how when your watching tv there are commercials consistantly trying to sell you something. also i agree with how pricing is involved with what we as consumers buy.

    2. Hey great post man! I love your intro. It really is a hook to your paper because I can connect to it. You had great support to your argument.

    3. I agree completely. Comercials 24/7. Also, when a business i use frequently goes out it stinks, but like you said a business could start up that possibly carries the same thing.

    4. I agree with what your saying. Businesses must have commercials that catch a person’s attention and with all the different businesses around the world, there are tons of advertisements and commercials! And all it really is is persuasion.

  24. How well do we really know the affect that businesses have on their consumers? People rely on businesses in ways that we encounter more than we realize. To begin with, consumers are very affected by advertisements. We all know that commercials can get in the way of our favorite shows, but commercials over television are a very popular way of getting your business out there. Another example could be the small gift cards that we all get in the mail. It is intriguing when you find a discount to your favorite store; therefore you know that you can count on the business to get great deals. Finally, try going to a meeting. It is good to start with doing business with people in their own neighborhood, so you could try school board meetings, library meetings, business presentations of other groups, etc. There are many more ways that a good/service-selling place could get attractions, but businesses will most likely choose the more effective ways that can get consumers to check them out.

    1. I agree with your statement about how affected consumers are by advertisments. They’re definately everywhere and thats usually where I see businesses affecting people.

  25. How on this earth do businesses affect the consumer? Many businesses affect consumers by advertising, by opening businesses, and by having sales. First off, businesses affect consumers through their extravagant and effective advertising regimes. I know firsthand how they affect people because every time I see a commercial for a restaurant, I almost feel guilty not going and tasting the wonderful looking food that was just advertised. Secondly, businesses affect the consumer by opening new stores. These new stores can generate money for the economy because they give people new jobs. My dad didn’t have work but when a newly opened business hired him; we were able to start spending money more freely on things. The third way that businesses affect consumers is through sales. Whenever there is a sale at the mall, my grandma is all over it and goes to shop. The sales seem to persuade people to shop and buy more. As you can see, businesses really do affect consumers by advertising, by opening new businesses and by having store sales.

    1. Wow. i think that you put a lot of thought into your paragraph. I think this because i never thought of when a new business opens it influences buyers to spend their money. This is because new jobs open up and people get hired, and when people get hired, people spend money. Sort of like a chain reaction.

  26. In business there is a lot of thinking a lot of people get a lot of stress by this. I think it’s a big deal because you have to make decisions and you have to take a lot of risk in either a project you have going on or planning on something. It affects consumers in a lot of ways, it has them going crazy by looking at their business and knowing what do they have to do that’s best for there business. Consumers have to know what is a good product they could get that is in good conditions and they know it will make there business. It is also a big cause to them because if they are purchasing something from a company and then this other company comes by with something better they are going to go with that other new company that has brought a good product for consumers to buy and know it’s a good product. Its also by taking a lot of risk, if you’re a consumer then you have to make a lot of choices and thinking of a product your looking to buy or what is best for them to buy.

    1. how do you know? and even though they have to know whats a good product how would they know what do they do to know?

      1. Your right how woud you know. its not just like you no theres going to be a better product after that one.

  27. People always hear about how the most important part of the economy is the consumers, like you and me. However, businesses have just as large an effect on the economy, because they control the consumers’ spending. The decisions that businesses make have a huge impact on the people that buy their goods or services, therefore they affect the economy, too. By changing the prices they are selling products or services for, they change how many people will buy from them. For example, gas. If the price of gas suddenly shot up to $6.00 per gallon, people would be driving until the last gallon of gas in the tank was almost gone so they wouldn’t have to go spend money so much refilling the tank and the gas station would get less customers daily. When a business increases their advertising, they’re also increasing their amount of customers. Recently the Superbowl took place. This event is all about advertising and showing off their product as much as possible. The more you see products like Doritos or Geico, the more you’re going to want to choose to buy what they have to offer. Finally, by selling better or different things, the business will gain more customers because of the convenience of having it close by or the current trends in society. When a nearby store gets a product someone would normally have to buy over the internet, they’ll want to go to the store instead because it’s quicker and easier. Anything a business does will affect consumers and how they spend their money.

    1. I agree with what you said about gas prices because I know I wouldn’t be buying gas when my tank is not all the way empty.

    2. I agree that if businesses raised their prices too quickly then they wouldn’t have as many customers because they wouldn’t want to spend so much money.

  28. How businesses sell their goods/services:
    There are many ways a business can sell their products. The most common way is getting their name known around the town, country, etc. They do this by advertising. Most companies advertise through the TV, magazines, billboards, and even the newspaper. Since a lot of people watch TV or read magazines, the businesses can get many people to view their ads. If the ad is intriguing to the viewer they might want to buy the product. Companies also sell products by offering the buyers more than just the actual product. Sometimes they will offer free shipping or give a discount. This will make the buyer think that they are getting a good deal on the product so they will buy. It’s sort of like bribing. Buyers will also buy products if they are more convenient to buy. If the company opens a new building in a town the people will be able to buy the product easier. They won’t have to pay for shipping and wait for it to come in. Advertising may be annoying, but it seems to work very well.

    1. I do agree with you when you said that if the commercial is intriguing then people may want to buy that product. I know this from my own expierience because if the commercial is boring i will change the channel until that commercial is over.

  29. There is a thing in this world called “cause and affect”. In this case, businesses make decisions that lead to consumers “having”, or “not having”. What I mean by “having” is the fact that you go out and get the product. “Not having”, is not being able to get it anymore. Every successful company advertises. They have to advertise to get their product out there. Every day when you’re sitting on the couch and a commercial interrupts what you’re watching, something is getting advertised for you to see. Another “cause and affect” is when a business simply shuts down. They may have products that no other company has; now you can’t get it. Not a good effect. Furthermore, the location is also a big factor. If the store that carries your product is all the way across town, you probably aren’t going to make the trip, you are going to go to a closer store and settle for a similar product. As you can see, us a consumers always say we can just go to the store and get whatever we want…but the business itself also makes that decision.

    1. i agree with how location is accosiated with what we buy and where we buy it. i know how ya feel when you have to go all the way into town just for something little at the bigger facility in junction.

  30. Have you ever wondered how business comes up with new ideas to make us buy their product? Businesses affect us as customers by finding ways for us to buy from them. They make sales and special one-time deal offers to persuade us to buy off them. By doing this the can receive two times as much money. To me I think that actually the business is getting more money from us then they would sell it for regular price. I think that the business you’re buying from is ripping us off because of all the sales. Then businesses put out advertisements showing celebrity’s wherein their product. This to me I think is also make us want to buy their product. So to my conclusion businesses can and will make lots of money by having sales and showing advertisement.

  31. Chunk Paragraph
    Have you ever wondered why we as consumers vary in what we buy because of businesses we buy from? We as consumers vary in what buy because of the way businesses operate and how they advertise their products to the public. When a business doesn’t advertise their products well consumers won’t know what that business has to offer. For an example if you are looking for something and a business has it but doesn’t advertise it then you will not know to buy from them. Also prices a business has is also a big one that will affect if a business breaks even with enough money from consumers. If a business has too high of prices consumers will find cheaper prices and go there instead to buy another product. The last main thing business do to effect if consumers buy from them is possibly a company’s reputation. If a bad company has bad customer service or has a bad product then the word will spread and that would be a great reason for consumers not to buy from that company. So as you can see here are just three of the many ways to attract or repel consumers away from their business or effect what consumers buy from certain business.

    1. Ryan, I agree with you when you said how prices are an important way that influence how people spend their money. Good job!

  32. Doesn’t it make you irritated when your favorite business goes out of business and you can’t find your products anywhere else? Well, there may be a reason behind that as to why a business may no longer be a business. For many businesses, they have competition. For example, Wal-Mart has competition with K-Mart, or McDonald’s have competition with Subway. Businesses have many responsibilities and have to make a lot of decisions. Some businesses have competition and try to persuade consumers to come to their store and buy their products. Other businesses have to do research and see what’s hot and new. What product will bring in more consumers?

    Wal-Mart persuades their consumers to come to their super market because they show commercials that tell you that they’ll compare prices with leading stores and shows you how much you save when you shop at Wal-Mart. But I may wonder which store has better quality. Does K-Mart have better quality items for less? Or does Wal-Mart? That all depends on the consumers, as consumers, we control the business world.

    Businesses must do research to find what’s hot and new and what consumers like. If they have more of the products that are really hot, then they will bring in more consumers and make more money. Say that an even better iPod touch has just come out and Wal-Mart wants to sell that new iPod and have it in their stores. More consumers are most likely to go to Wal-Mart for an iPod. All this seems to be is a competition. Whatever is new and comes out and is even better and more advanced, most consumers are going to want it.

    Businesses do actually have a lot of responsibilities and they have to make a lot of decisions that have an effect on their business. If a business makes a wrong move, they may go bank rupt or go out of business. And if a certain store or super market lacks newer and better products, they won’t have very many customers. There-fore, they will be making less money and may have more competition. But what happens if a business doesn’t really have a way of getting better products or don’t have enough money to advance and have a better chance of getting the better side of the competition? Would they just have to pack up and find another place to have their business? Or would they not be able to open back up at all?

    So for the business life, it is all very difficult. You must have the newest and best products to make more money but you have competition so you can’t let the other guy have the better side and be better than you. So it’s a constant fight for having the most consumers come to your business, and buy the products you sell.

    1. I agree with what you said about Wal-Mart comparing prices. I’ve never really seen anyone ask a worker to compare a price, but it makes the customers seem like their source is reliable.

  33. Have you ever thought about how much one small decision may affect your entire life? Well the decisions that businesses make can affect where you go what you do and where you shop. The first way that businesses affect you is whenever they make the decision to lower prices. This can affect consumers because they are more likely to buy a certain product when it is less expensive. Another way a business’s decision can affect your life is when they don’t carry certain products. If the store where someone would normally shop at doesn’t carry a product then it may make that someone change stores. The final way business’s decisions affect consumers is product placement. When a consumer watches a TV show and their favorite character is carrying an I-phone then they might want to buy it now rather than when they didn’t emphasize their cell phone in the series. Though these aren’t all the ways business’s decisions affect us as consumers you now see that there are ways that it does.

  34. How is it, then, that businesses influence their buyers to spend their money? With some thorough research we can clearly see that these businesses do so by advertising their products, having some kind of sale from time to time, and by having a variety of things their customers can choose from. The first way that many businesses affect their buyers is by advertising. I see a lot of commercials when I watch TV and they affect me greatly. They do so because when I see a food commercial I feel a craving for that product and sometimes go out and buy it. The next way businesses affect their buyers is by sales and discounts. There is always a store having a sale somewhere in the mall and when I see this I go in there just to check it out. Most of the time, I come back out with an item from that store that may have been on sale. The final way businesses affect their buyers is by having a variety of things in their store. Most people when shopping want to go to one place. So when a store has a variety of things and an abundant number of those things many people want to go there just upon that. This, in turn, shows that businesses do affect their buyers.

    1. I like how you mentioned how food commercials use craving to influnce consumers to buy their items and how variety in a store can be another way to influnce consumers to buy at a store. I think good examples of these would be McDonalds commercials for a food commercial and Walmart as a store with variety (and lots of it).

  35. How do things that businesses do affect consumers? Businesses and consumers can hurt each other in many different ways but they can also help each other. Things that businesses do that can affect consumers. The consumer has been buying a product since it came out and the business quits selling that product because they found a cheaper or better way to do it. When the consumer goes to buy the product they were using it won’t be there anymore so they have to find a different product to use. When businesses do this sometimes they loose consumers to other companies known as (competition). I think that if businesses can switch to a different product but they should be required to keep the old product for a certain amount of time and let the customers know it’s going away and get their input on it. Some things that businesses do that help the consumer is when they switch to a better product that is around the same price as the old one. This benefits the consumer more because they are getting better products for their money. Some companies don’t think about the customer before they do things like getting rid of something that the consumers wants or needs. Companies and consumers should think before they do things that are going to affect each other.

  36. How business affects consumers
    Did you know that business affects consumers a lot? They put stuff on sale, put things online, and make coupons. They put stuff on sale for us. So that we can buy more stuff from that store and we can save money. They also make a website. So if people don’t have a car they can just go online and add it to their cart or they can just go online if there far away from the store and doesn’t feel like going all the way over there for little things. They also make coupons. They make coupons so people can save money and doesn’t have to wait for that item to go on sale. These things are good because you can save money and time. You can also get more for your money if they go on sale.

  37. What happens if a business goes out of business? If a main business goes out of business then the other business will raise their price. If there are two businesses that sell the same thing there prices have to compete to stay open so if one has lower prices that one will stay open. I think having to business selling the same thing is a good thing for use consumers because it keeps things at a low price. So if the other place goes out of business goes out of business then for use as consumers the prices go up and there’s nothing we can do because there the only place that caries it now and we have to go there. So if the prices go up there the only place we can go to. To keep the prices low both business have to be in business to compete against each other. So when they both are in business the prices will stay low. That’s the good thing about two or more of the same producers so that way consumers get what they want for cheap.

    Did you know that consumers affect businesses and businesses affect consumers? Three ways that businesses affect consumers are by advertising, changing prices, and selling on line. Businesses sometimes affect consumers even though people try to make businesses work out and make people want to but their product and whatever they are sealing. But even though people try and try to make more money but sometimes people change the price or even try to change their product by getting different merchandise and telling people that they are going to need this for example [cleaning, cooking, summer, beach, home and etc.] sometimes people think it’s really important so they but a lot and they help their businesses go up or maybe down. Some consumers make a choice that they don’t think about how much money they are going to spend or if people are going to be interested in or if it’s really going to help them make money or lose money. For example my aunt was sealing Avon and she would sometimes make some things expensive or cheap depending on the fabric, clothes, shoes, make-up, lip gloss and other stuff. Sometimes she realized she would make much money and that people didn’t really want to buy Avon anymore so she quit and decided to go work for The Oks and now she gets $985 a month and the more years and more months are works with The Oks she wins more money. Lastly businesses affect consumers by selling on line. Its affects consumers by allowing them to buy from home but it often cost more because you have to pay for shipping. As you can see theirs many ways businesses affect consumers.

  39. Consumers run the economy! Business Decisions affect consumers in multiple ways, advertising, location, and the employs are key elements that determine the way one spends their money. Advertising is the simplest way businesses convince and make one want to spend their money on something they have to offer. Every day as I sit in the car looking out the window bill boards are constantly visible, if I am in need of something or a service I take this information into consideration and go to the location advertised. Location plays a role in consumer’s choice, if a convenient location is available people are more likely to get a product then if not. For instance the Apple stores are only in bigger cities; although there are other locations you can get Apple products it can still be at an inconvenience for certain purposes a consumer may be less likely to buy their products. Employs aren’t a big factor, but they can change a consumers mind about a store. Rude or unhelpful employees can aggravate customers and give them a reason to choose another location for a product. Consumers run the state of our economy, but business decisions are ultimately the reason for our economic state!

    1. Dear Kendal,
      I agree with your statement, “Advertising is the simplest way businesses convince and make one want to spend their money on something they have to offer.” because businesses know that people see hundreds of advertisements a day and they take full advantage of that. Good job!

  40. 14.58 trillion dollars of income a year are made by all businesses in the United States. Businesses use clever strategies to make it almost impossible for a consumer to walk into their store and not spend any money. Many stores use advertisements to persuade their consumers to buy their product. I think that these advertisements are good. Seeing something that is incorporated into your day instead of having to go out to look for it makes it much easier to shop for things you need. Stores also use location to make it easier for consumers to buy their goods. I think this is a good way to get consumers to buy their goods. If someone wanting to buy something that was only obtainable at a store that was across town, the likeliness of that person going all the way across town in much less than if the store was relatively close to them. The third strategy businesses use is prices. Every business has competition. Why would anyone buy something from one store if it’s cheaper at another store? By making a product cheaper in their store businesses can get more consumers to buy their product. Businesses use several different strategies to get consumers to buy their products.

  41. Why do prices go up? Is it because of the government or because of other things? I think that prices go up on everything because of other things like buying a Prius and to feed the people in jail or to make people rich off of items found in a store.
    Why would people waste money on a car that eats up more electricity? What I say about Priuses is that they are expensive cars. I mean sure that they don’t cost a lot to buy at the car shop but when you have to charge them when you get home it racks up the electric bill by hundreds.
    I think a quarter of our taxes go to the jails and some people are not too happy about that. I know why some people are not too happy about the jails is because… we are sort of providing those people in jail with a free home. We pay taxes so that they get a free home, free clothes, and free food.
    The products at stores like the sham wow, slice-o-medic, and the no bark thing do those things really work. Maybe for a day or two. What I think of these inventions is… that they are a total waste of money. I think I could even make something up and get rich within a certain time limit.
    I think I made some good points about where our taxes go within these paragraphs. Now here is a question for you. Where do you think all the tax money we pay goes?

  42. A little less than half of the businesses in the U.S. that start up fail within the first 5 years. It may not seem like a big deal to you and me but on the contrary businesses affect the consumers in more ways than you think. When companies go out of business it affects the employment rate. Some companies provide thousands of jobs for and are or the whole nation and when they go under it puts those people out of a job and then they have to either find a job or go on welfare. Another way that companies can affect the consumers is that when they are doing successful they can lower their prices. In turn people are able to spend less money on those things or buy more of that product. One more way that companies affect consumers is if they create a good problem then consumers have a better life. A while ago someone decided to make an automatic clothes washer so the made the washing machine. This then lets people spend less time cleaning clothes and more time bettering themselves. In more ways than one when businesses go out of business, when they lower their prices, and when they create better products they affect the consumers.

  43. In my article they discussed about how people shouldn’t just choose the first bank they look at because there are different types to choose from. During the article it tells about how online banking and up street banking differs and how some people my want different types depending on what they do for a career or what not. In the article it explains how some banks have different interest rates and how it can affect how you’re banking works in the article it says that a higher interest rate can be a good thing but it affect’s you when it comes to taxes.
    My opinion on the article is that there are a lot of different types of banking but some of them are better than others. Choosing the right bank is an important thing because banking is a part of your everyday life and if you choose the wrong one it can be hard to get out of it to change to a different bank because some banks you sign a contract saying that you have to stay with that bank for a certain amount of time. So make sure that the bank is right for you.
    “Bank.” Bank Reviews. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. <>.

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