Should Schools Offer Fast-Food?

        This is a very controversial topic because lunch is like everyone’s favorite time of the day. Also everyone is talking about what they want for lunch.

Some reasons why this should not be an option is because we have a lot of obesity in the United States and especially in children. Also it decreases the way that kids and teens pay attention in class, which would cause a lot of problems with everyone. Also schools try to make us eat healthier, and by giving us the choice of fast-food they would also be contributing in modeling an unhealthy lifestyle.

Although there is a down side to all of this, there is also an up-side. For example when you serve fast food in schools there are less students leaving campus for food. If this happens then less kids and teens will be tardy and absent to class because of leaving to go get what they could otherwise get at their school. Also school cafeterias would benefit from this, keeping their businesses going.

In my opinion I think that fast-food should be allowed in schools. This is because I feel that it is the kid/teen’s choice whether or not they want to eat the fast-food or not. I mean seriously, how many times have you seen what they are serving for lunch and just decided not to eat just because you don’t like what is being served?  So you just go through the rest of the day hungry. I know that I have. It has been proven that your brain doesn’t work as well when you are hungry, so why go through all of this just because the cafeteria won’t offer the food that you want or at least like. Honestly I believe that we should definitely have the choice of fast-food in our school cafeteria’s. so what do you think?



Works Cited

Kopp, Catie. “Persuasive Essays.” : Day 6. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.

Lehmann, Deborah. “Why School Cafeterias Are Dishing Out Fast Food.” N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2012.

4 thoughts on “Should Schools Offer Fast-Food?

  1. The author left the “so” in the last paragraph non capitalized and that is unprofessional.
    Why would you want fast food in schools?

    1. yes because bad bacteria is used in the food everyday at school school lunches are unhealthy and fast food is very healthier

    2. because school food is healthier
      Reason 2: Bad meat that we had to eat

      ~pounds of meat consumed by children in the school cafeteria continually fail to meet quality standards
      ~meat only fit for pet food or compost
      ~meat from “old birds” is exactly what children are being served at school
      ~KFC and the Campbell Soup Company refuse to buy such meat because of quality considerations

      Reason 3: Bacteria in the Cafeteria

      ~risk of ingesting harmful bacteria and pathogens hidden within the food
      ~Pathogens and bacteria housed in school cafeteria food are thought to be responsible for many stomach virus outbreaks nationwide.
      ~In Arizona, two people experienced such sickness after eating meat supplied by Beef Packers of California, which was allegedly contaminated with salmonella.
      ~Norovirus was implicated in another 2,000 school sicknesses

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