Google Glass by jgisner

The Google glasses were an idea launched by Google a few months ago. They are supposedly glasses that you wear all the time that almost eliminate all need for a phone, because the Google glasses can do anything that any Phone can, except for play games. This is an innovation, but a kind of strange one. Answering a call, with your glasses, and talking to them, seems really weird. But here are all the facts about Google glass.

Google Glass has many cool features. First, the ability to text, answer calls, and take pictures and videos hands free. With the commands, “ok glass” You can access any of these features as well as search the internet. There may also be a video and music player that will be added in the near future. This device can also scroll through any web page, playlist or pictures by simply using a touch scroll device on the side of the glasses. All this works by simply connecting Google glass to your smartphone. This allows you to get updates, and many other varieties of features, accessible hands free with Google glass.

Google Glass runs off of your phone, giving you all updates and accessing your photos. But how the updates appear on Google glass can be much different than your phone. Through a small glass prism in your right eye, Glass projects images on to your glasses, to show you updates, take pictures, and give directions hands free. This works because of the small computer inside of Glass. This computer is the main base of every operation Glass does. It is called a ubiquitous computer. This ubicomp allows computer images to appear anywhere and everywhere. This computer can use data from anything such as a phone, etc. Google glass uses augmented reality to make images appear to be there, through the small glass prism in the corner.

Google recently released Google glass 2. This is the non-developer version that will eventually be available to the public. This version has many new features, such as an earphone that comes with the glasses that allows calls to be smoother and better. Glass will also soon be available with prescription lenses, when before it was not. Currently you need an invitation to get any Google glass product, because they are so few in numbers. But even if you get an invite you have to pay $1,500 to get them. But soon glass will be more available and at a better price.

All in all Google glass is a new, odd technology that will innovate the way that we see things and connect to the world. This new technology may change the way we use computers forever, and make us stop staring at our phones for so long. Inventions like these are important for shaping the future and changing the way we use



Works Cited

“Google Glass.” – Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.

“Google Glass: Release Date, News and Features.” TechRadar. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.

“Google Glass.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 June 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.

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