Dell Computers vs. Apple

Today I am going to start off by talking about the pros and cons about dell computers and macs/Apple. I am going to start off by saying that the pro about dell computers is that they come with Celeron processors that makes computers faster and apple doesn’t which makes macs last a shorter time. A pro about dell is that you can get a dell laptop for less money that a mac so if you want to save money, I recommend you buy a dell. 2 different things are hard to compare like dell and apple. A very good fact is that apple limits there laptop computers into 2 different models while dell doesn’t, Dell offers lots more models than Apple. The thing about apple is that people create apple id’s and dell doesn’t. Apple uses OS X systems instead of windows like dell. It is very rare for Apple to have viruses on their computers unlike windows they get viruses a lot.

“Dell Vs. Mac Laptops.” EHow. Demand Media, 25 Aug. 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.


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