Why is fortnite better then bo4

Related imageFortnite is a battle royal game it’s a very popular game it’s the most watched game on twitch but B04 just came out and a lot of people say that BO4 is better than fortnite but in my opinion I think that fortnite is better and am going to tell you why that is. Fortnite has building so if u are getting attached then you can build to have cover as BO4 does not have building. BO4 does not have skins so there are different skins you can be in fortnite. BO4 has a lot of different maps and fortnite only has one but its bigger then the BO4 maps. BO4 has zombies and fortnite has save the world the purpose of save the world is that u build a base and you and 3 other people try to survive as long as you can with zombies. BO4 has zombies but there is no building you only run around on the map with 3 other people and try to survive.

Fortnite you go around and collect loot and mats you can also have shield when you are collecting the loot they are color coded grey is the worst and gold is the best there are only a couple gold guns in the game so it makes it harder for you to find them or kill someone that has that gun. In BO4 you pick a gun and u have it the hole game intel you die in B04 there are only to teams and you have to get a money bag and take it to the safe spot as in fortnite you just kill everyone and if your team is the last team standing then your team wins.

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