At Fruita 8/9, there are so many different options for electives. You can take PE, art, computers, a music class, and so much more. In my first 9th grade semester at Fruita 8/9, I got to take media productions as my elective. In this class, we made video projects, the school announcements, wrote a blog, and made commercials. There was so much new information and programs that I had never even heard of that I am now able to use and create a finished product. There were also so many deadlines in the class as we couldn’t put off assignments or we wouldn’t be able to finish everything in time. Finally, another big takeaway I had from this class was learning to work the different equipment and technology to make quality videos. I would recommend Media Productions to any one thinking about it as it was very helpful for me.
In the first week in Media Productions, we got to learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro, an editing software. I didn’t even know where to start but there are so many tutorials to help you make any kind of videos. Once we went online, we learned how to make amazing presentations and videos using Adobe Spark. Learning how to edit and make videos is super helpful information that I learned from taking Media Productions. First off, it was super fun to add different transitions, text, effects, backgrounds, and more to your videos to make them more interesting to watch. Now that I have this skill, I have made video presentations for my other classes to help me get a higher grade. For my ELA final, we have to make a video reflection so now that I am able to use different video editing programs, I don’t have to worry about learning to use a different program. Overall, learning how to use different programs and how to edit videos is a super useful skill that I am able to take away from Media Productions.
In Media Productions we got to make so many different projects like how to videos, different cuts and transitions, and announcements. With all of these projects did come lots of deadlines. In this class I learned that you can’t just push things off because by the next week, we would have a new project to get done. I really had to manage my time so I was able to complete all the tasks I was given. For the announcements, we had to have them exported by Monday and Thursday each week so there was not time to mess around. We did have a plan sheet each week that helped to keep us on track and know what was expected each day. This will now help me now and in the future as I realize how important it is to manage your time so you can get everything done and done well. I also have learned about a plan sheet to help me keep track of all the deadlines and to get my stuff turned in on time.
There were so many different tools to help us film quality videos. I didn’t know how much actually went into making the school announcements or even the simple, fun videos we made. For example, I got to learn how to work the cameras and use them to make a good video. I learned what all the buttons did and how to put my footage into the computer when I was done. I didn’t know how to even turn on the camera before taking this class but by the end, I learned so much about the different technology that is used. We also used a teleprompter for the announcements and had to find the correct lighting. I got to learn all the small things that go into the project that I had never even thought about before. Now I would be able to figure out any camera and make sure the small details are set before I upload my footage to the computer and put it in the correct file. I am so glad that I know more about the different technology that goes into filmmaking so that I have all this past knowledge if my future job requires it.
As you can see, in just a semester in Media Productions, I was able to learn so much and gain so much skill that will help me in my schooling now, and later on in the future. If you decide to take this class you will get to learn all about editing videos, time management, how to work different pieces of technology, and so much more. If you or anyone else you know is choosing their electives here at Fruita 8/9, keep Media Productions in mind as you will get to work with so many amazing people and learn so many important life skills. You will thank me later when you gain so many useful life skills by taking a super fun class.