Jamaica… The Best Place to Visit

Jamaica is a 398 mile long country, the size of Connecticut, located in the Caribbean Sea. Approximately 2.9 million people live on the island. It’s covered in lush topography of mountains, rainforests and reef-lined beaches. The official language of Jamaica is English but the unofficial language is patois. Patois is a combination of English, French, Various West African Languages, Spanish and many others. Jamaican Patois came into existence during slavery when the slaves were denied use of their native tongue and forced to learn English. The word “yeah mon” is used by a lot of the people in Jamaica as slang for saying yes. Jamaica has a lot of cool background to their little island. They were the first tropical country to take part in the winter Olympics. They competed in bobsledding. There are tons of fun things to do while visiting Jamaica, ziplining, hiking, going to the beach, etc. It’s a very beautiful country that has lots of fun things to do and lots of cool things to tour.

Ziplining in Jamaica is a great thing to do if you go there. There are tons of zip lines that go through the rainforest and next to beaches that are the prettiest view. The weather is always nice. The temperature is hot all year round with a little difference between summer and winter by just a few degrees. The average temperature is around 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The best time to visit Jamaica is November- Mid December because that is when the weather is the best and hotel and flight deals are the easiest to find. The rainy season is during June, September, and October. The lowest the temperature gets yearly on average is mid 70’s. 

Another really fun thing to do in Jamaica is going hiking. There is this really cool hike you can do that has little cliffs you can jump off of into the most beautiful blue water ever. The hike goes down off of several little waterfalls that you can jump into. I did this hike while on a tour of the country. While on the bus touring, we stopped and picked wild sugarcane and apples. They look very different then how we grow them in the U.S. but they are very delicious. 

The beach is always a good place to go to if you just want a relaxing day. You can go parasailing, snorkeling, really anything you can think of doing at a beach. Jamaica is actually a really interesting place to visit and they have a cool background also. Jamaica’s bobsled team is an actual thing. They really did go to the Olympics for bobsledding in 1988. The British writer, Ian Fleming, wrote a lot of the James Bond movies in Jamaica. There were a couple of them filmed there also. Jamaica was the first country in the Caribbean to gain independence in 1962.

I would highly recommend visiting Jamaica for a vacation spot. There are tons of fun things to do while on the island. It is a very fascinating country and is such a fun place to go. Jamaica has the best weather to go year round with tons of fun things to do. Jamaica has the world’s best ice cream too. It’s a really interesting place to go to and tour around. I would definitely recommend going to Jamaica for a vacation at some point in your life.

Works Cited

Parke, Marvin. “10 Cool Facts You Never Knew About Jamaica – WanderWisdom – Travel.” WanderWisdom, WanderWisdom – Travel, 27 Mar. 2013, wanderwisdom.com/travel-destinations/10-Cool-Facts-about-Jamaica.

McLeod, Sheri-kae. “11 Reasons Why You Should Visit Jamaica At Least Once.” Culture Trip, The Culture Trip, 16 Nov. 2017, theculturetrip.com/caribbean/jamaica/articles/11-reasons-why-you-should-visit-jamaica-at-least-once/.

“Language in Jamaica.” Frommer’s, www.frommers.com/destinations/jamaica/in-depth/language.

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