Story of Mrs. Gryniewicz

The story of Mrs. Gryniewicz but kids also call her Mrs. G. 

Let’s give you some background on Mrs. G, she is a math teacher at the Fruita 8/9 school. Alright, now onto her childhood

Mrs. Gryniewicz grew up in Michigan and was there for the first five years of her life, and then when she was five, she moved to Denver. She said that she remembers Michigan having endless amounts of snow, which I think would be awesome!! Then, when she lived in Denver, she really enjoyed it there because there was so much to do. Even when she was a child she wanted to be a teacher, and look where she is now! She talks about her favorite childhood memory, was being with her family, and playing games with her 4 brothers. I only have 3 brothers and it is so crazy at my house, so I can’t imagine how it would be with 4 brothers. 

Mrs. G was involved in a lot of clubs in high school. Her favorite club was where the kids in the club would go to performances and plays. It was high school and college that really made her want to be a teacher because she had jobs that involved children and teenagers such as, daycare, summer camps, and jobs like those that she really liked. 

Here’s some background on her teaching career, she has been teaching for 19 years, and if someone is in teaching for that long, then they must really like it. She has taught in a lot of places like, Phoenix, Denver, Grand Junction, and now she is here at the 8/9. She really enjoys the opportunity to teach a new group of students every year. If she had the option to be a child again or stay a teacher, she would choose to stay a teacher.

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