Why Listening to Music While You Work is Better

Are you a person who learns and focuses better with music on? I know I am and apparently, a lot of other people do too. But is it actually beneficial to you to listen to music while you’re working? Or is it just another distraction? I have always believed that jamming out to my tunes has helped me and here are some reasons why I think that.


When I am in school taking notes I find it hard to concentrate or to understand anything I’m writing down or studying. I can never focus, and I always seem to get distracted and taken away from what I’m doing. Background music always narrows my focus and lets me concentrate on the task at hand. When I’m at home doing homework or studying you will never find me without music playing. And it’s not always just for school, I always have music playing when I’m doing chores around the house because it not only prevents me from getting distracted but it also makes whatever you’re doing more fun.

Research states that music can create a mood and that music can be relaxing and help students beat anxiety or stress while studying. Background music is likely to help students improve their focus during long study sessions. Study music is considered to be beneficial for the intake of vital information. Another site says that music reduces distractions and improves focus. Music helps boost motivation when starting a new task. It states that “it is beneficial to listen to something you are familiar with for focusing intensely on your project.”


Now, not only does music help you study but it also affects your mood. Brain scans and psychological researchers are discovering “the mechanisms that lead to mood changes or mood regulation that are associated with music.” This is why listening to different kinds of music improves focus, helps to manage mood during stress or improves mood during times of sadness. So if you are unmotivated, listen to an upbeat song and it will make you a little less blue. So when you stressed as your doing something, it won’t help, in fact, it will actually make it harder for you to absorb anything you’re trying to learn or make it harder for you to finish a task your working on because you are less motivated, so it will take longer which will just stress you out even more.


There you have it, that’s why I believe that listening to music helps me work better. If you don’t think it helps you, maybe you should try it out. Now it doesn’t work for everyone but I think in general music makes people work better and feel better at the end of the day. So, when you sit in class, or at home, or do literally anything, put some music on and see how it changes your world.








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