
When you grow up the only things you will remember in school are the learning experiences from your classes, and now as my freshman year is ending I’m realizing that the only learning experience I have learned has been from my multimedia class. My multimedia class has 12 people in it and the most important life skills I have learned are perseverance, leadership, and how to write. I know I’m gonna use these skills for the rest of my high school career and my life.

Perseverance. What is perseverance and why is it important in your life? Everybody’s answer to this question will be different but I found my answer to this question in my multimedia class. Perseverance has control of your entire life, the reason anything gets done in the world is because of perseverance, and if you don’t persevere then nothing will get done. Perseverance is something that everyone will need to take with them for the rest of their life and if you don’t practice it, you will never know how to work hard and get things done. There are many challenges with persevering though because sometimes all you want to do is relax and live life but you have to bust down into reality sometimes and get real work done. One time in my multimedia class, we switched groups and there was one group that would spend the whole class playing games and didn’t know how to film and edit and the first news with their group was not the best because they didn’t know how to persevere and get help or work hard.

Another thing that will always be important is leadership. Leadership can get you so far in life with school, jobs, activities and any opportunity that is given to you. Leadership can change your future if you learn how to be bold and be a good leader in any situation. In my multimedia class everyone was procrastinating and especially this one group was supposed to film the day before and edit the day after than export, but the day before everyone was gonna watch the news they haven’t even filmed yet so I walked up to their group and I was scared to be “bossy” but when I walk up they start yelling at me and said nobody had taught them how to edit or film but I knew this wasn’t true because I was the one who taught them how to do everything so I gave them a stern talking to, and they understood where I was coming from so they listened to me and I helped them edit and now when they need help with anything they rely on me to help them because I took that leadership role. This experience was a challenge because I didn’t want to be bossy but I said what I needed to say and now that group relies on me and asks me when they need help. “Leaders create opportunity” is a quote that Bill treasure said and this is a good website that tells you exactly how leadership has effects on our opportunities and future.

Learning how to write will be the greatest skill anyone can have in their life because you will use writing in any job you do, and learning how to write well can get you anywhere. I learned my freshman year in high school that good writing is very useful. I have always loved to write because it has always been an escape for me but I never knew it would be useful until I turned in some of my writing pieces for grades. Writing is very challenging when you first start because you never know where to begin. I learned how to write goodin multimedia because of my blogs, essay’s, and scripts I have wroten. When I started writing my blogs I never realized how much I like writing about real world problems, or how much I love making scripts. I love making jokes and being behind the camera, and I love it even more knowing I wrote it and I put my hard work into it. I know I’m gonna do something when I’m older to do so with writing because as soon as I started writing well and learned how to make stories and stuff like that I became obsessed with it.

There are so many skills that will be important to have for your entire life but learning these skills in my multimedia class is something that I will take with me forever because of the impact it has made on my freshman year and how successful I have been when I take these skills with me. I strongly recommend you getting into writing more and taking these skills with you for life because they have made me view life from so many different angles and they might make you view life from different angles too. I’m so glad I got to learn these skills in my multimedia class because I made so many memories by learning these skills in this class and I know I’m gonna remember all the good things that have happened in this class and I know I’m gonna miss this class so much.

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