There is a lot of discussion about the civil war in Syria right now. According to “” The war started when the revolution in Tunisia announced the start of the “Arab Spring.” This caused violence in Daraa, Syria during March of 2011. “” says that the casualty mark is over sixty thousand. That’s more than…

Project Icarus

Project Icarus is a British planned spacecraft that will, on a much later date, send probes and Satellite to stars that are light-years away! This project is just now poking its head out of the planning and concept stage so it is unlikely we will see this craft in all of its glory until 2030…

Would you rather be in a relationship or single? In my study people would rather be single then be in a relationship. I surveyed 20 people and in the data it said 12 people would like to be single. 8 people said they like to be in a relationship. But if I would have done…

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