Mrs. Schwerdtfeger

By: Shea Fogarty

As one of our new Spanish teachers at Fruita 8/9, Mrs. Schwerdtfeger grew up in not one or two, but four different places. She lived and grew up in New Zealand, California, Kansas City, and Colorado. Before working at Fruita 8/9 she worked at BTK and previously was the Vice Principle for Fruita Monument High school. As her second language Mrs. Schwerdtfeger speaks fluent Spanish.

          Mrs. Schwerdtfeger has three children and is married to a kindergarten teacher at the Dual Immersion Academy. As a kid she played many sports. Those sports consisted of basketball, softball, track and was a competitive gymnast. Her favorite TV shows are “Modern Family” and “The Big Bang Theory”. Her favorite book is the novel “Pocahontas”. Three goals/accomplishments that she has achieved are: having her kids, running the Olympic torch, and being an Assistant Principle. Mrs. Schwerdtfeger said that if she could take a trip to anywhere in the world with her family that she would go to Spain. For now she is looking forward to being a successful teacher.

          As a student in Mrs. Schwerdtfeger recs and Spanish class I appreciate her ability teach and help with other subject such as math homework. As her dream job of being a bilingual children’s book author she is also very helpful with literacy. She is also very passionate and willing to help every one of her students. She is caring a wants her students be successful in everything they do. While being very good at managing her class room she has a wonderful sense of humor. She is one of my favorite teachers and I’m sure many kids feel the same way about her.

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