school uniforms vs. no school uniforms

uniform picture

Why do some schools require school uniforms and some schools don’t have uniforms? Well now I’m going to tell you the pros and cons about having school uniforms. I’m also going to tell you the pros and cons about not having school uniforms.

Some pros and cons to having school uniforms. Pros of having uniforms are it can take less time in the morning to get ready. Also some pros are they help you focus more in class and it will improve the attendance for kids. Also some people say that teachers find when kids wear uniforms they are more polite and more serious in class because they are dressed neatly. And they say it can reduce the chance of kids getting bullied from their clothes. Also another pro is sometimes uniforms can cost less than going and buying clothes. Some cons are having school uniforms are students should learn to make their own decisions of what they wear. Also even know you might be wearing all the same clothes as every other kid that doesn’t mean there no bulling because there will always be bulling at any school you go to. Also if your kid goes to a public school they still have dress codes but you’re wearing your own clothes to school.

Now here are some pros and cons for not having school uniforms. Some pros are you get to show who you really are. I think that clothes can describe your personality because they show what you like and they can show your personality by the colors that you wear. Also some pros to having no school uniforms are you get to dress how you want instead of how your school choosing what you wear. Also you wouldn’t be wearing what everyone else wears you’d be wearing your own clothes. Some cons to having no school uniforms. A con to having no uniforms are people can judge you for what you wear and they will judge you. Also a con is people will bully you for your size of clothes that you get and also some people won’t like what you wear so they won’t be your friend because of your clothes.

Now here the pros and con of having school uniforms. And the pros and cons of having no school uniforms. They are both good in a way but some people will have different opinions on both of them.

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2 thoughts on “school uniforms vs. no school uniforms

  1. Hi There

    Thought you might be interested in my thoughts since I live in a country (Australia) where all students in every school are required to wear a school uniform.

    Having a school uniform does make getting ready each day easier unless you’ve forgotten to wash them 🙁 Strict guidelines don’t allow you to wear other clothes so simplest solution is to make sure you have enough for entire week.

    Wearing a school uniform doesn’t mean the students will behave better in class. However, students still find ways to express their individuality wearing school uniforms (except if they attending the more expensive private schools). In Primary school (Elementary) they also have a few days where you can come to school in free dress.

    Other benefits are: you can immediately tell if some one has entered the school grounds that isn’t from the school because they stand out; students are immediately identifiable as school students if they leave school during the day; and easier to manage students on excursions outside of school.

    Sue Waters
    Support Manager
    Edublogs | CampusPress

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