Netflix vs YouTube

There are many choices to choose from when it comes to Netflix or YouTube. However there are many pros and cons when it comes to those choices. But which one would you choose? Both of them are great choices, you can watch almost anything. On Netflix there is Movies.Netflix Vs Youtube Picture YouTube there are videos of almost everything. Although half of the teens prefer Netflix, the other half prefers YouTube.

Starting with YouTube they have 1 billion active users each month. There are many great reasons to why YouTube is great. When you use YouTube its free most of the time, it’s free to watch videos. The only time when its cost is when you want to watch a movie. It may be a couple of dollars. There are also many options on what to watch. There’s videos about almost everything. For example, there are music videos, Videos about news, Tutorials, you can also use YouTube for teaching. Many teacher use it for educational purposes, in many different classes. They can show you a short video for History/Global studies, Math, Composition, literature, science, etc. It will show almost any video you want to see. Also buy using YouTube they can be creative in there videos. (Allie Schultz)

With Netflix there are 33 million people who watch Netflix in the US, and 11 million people who watch Netflix that are not in the US. In total there are 44 million Netflix subscribers. With Netflix there are no commercials shown unlike YouTube. There are also a lot of choices to choose from when it comes to Netflix. There are shows, movies, documentaries and a lot more also for kids too. It’s doesn’t show you parts of it shows you the full movie/TV show you want to see. Although you have to pay 7.99 a month, you still get a variety of great movies to watch.

In my opinion I find Netflix better than YouTube. There are so many choices to choose from. But when you have to choose between Netflix and YouTube. On Netflix you can see a lot of movies with different genres and with HD and Subtitles. With YouTube they sometimes don’t give you a full episode of a show you would want to watch.


Belkin, Joe. “What Is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Netflix vs. Cable?Frequently Asked in.” What Is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Netflix vs. Cable? N.p., 18 Oct. 2014. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.

Daly, Emma. “How Many People Are Watching Netflix?” RadioTimes. N.p., 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.

Feldman, Barbara. “Pros And Cons of YouTube.” Surfnetkids. Feldman Publishing. 15 Oct. 2007. Web. 3 Nov. 2015. < >.

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