Media Production Final

Media Production Final

Emily Milne


When I first came into this classroom on the first day of school, I didn’t know what to expect.

I knew what this class was all about because of the announcements as an 8th grader, but I didn’t know exactly what to prepare myself for. I thought this class was going to be super easy, but actually it’s one of my most challenging classes in different areas, but I learned a lot. In Media Productions this semester, I learned how to work on a deadline, learned how to create and edit videos using Video Pad, and lastly, I learned a lot about team work.

First off, in Media Production I learned how to work on a deadline. Being in high school, I’m constantly on a deadline, but this class taught me a lot on how to prepare myself for these deadlines. Every Monday, when I figured out what assignment I was doing this weekend, I had to make sure I gave myself enough time to get that all done, which meant using my time wisely and getting all my work done. If I was working on an interview, student of the week, or a commercial, I always tried to get my work all finished the day before it was due/aired. If I was working on an announcement, I’d make sure I hurried and got it typed and quickly recorded so I had enough time to edit it in the 45 minute class period. Throughout my whole life I will always have to work on a deadline, whether it’s turning in my literacy paper on the day it’s due, or in the future if it’s getting my work done before my boss checks on me. Media Productions taught me how to work on a deadline and be productive.class photo

Secondly, in Media Productions I learned how to create and edit videos using Video Pad. I have never been a good technology person. I don’t do well with cameras unless I’m taking a selfie, and this class has lot more to do with cameras than taking selfies. For the announcements, interviews, and commercials I had to do a lot of editing, which taught me a lot. I had to upload the videos and cut out every mistake we made or just thinks that weren’t necessary to have, or add in text or slides of upcoming events. Through this class, I learned a lot about technology, and I got a head start if I wanted to be involved with Media Production through the rest of high school.

Lastly, in Media Production, I learned a lot about team work. I’m the kind of person who would rather just work by myself then have to communicate with others and work in a team. But in this class, there isn’t much individual work, we work in teams. I’ve learned better communication skills through this class and I’ve became a lot more outgoing. In the announcements, we worked as a team and we all depended on each other to get our parts all done for that day. Throughout life I’ll always have to work with others. In school, and when I get a job. If I’m unable to work with others, I won’t make it very far in a career, and well, in anything. I’ve made a lot of friends and memories due to having to work with different people in this class. Media Productions has helped me learn a ton about team work.

In conclusion, being a part of Media Productions this fall as equipped me with a lot of skills that I didn’t have before. I learned how to work on a deadline, I’m more familiar with Video Pad and other form of technology, and lastly, I learned a lot about team work. I’m extremely thankful I was able to be a part of this class this semester and was able to get these skills.


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