Pet Food Tasters

Yes, this is actually a job that you can get paid for. Many pet lovers believe that animals shouldn’t have to eat nasty bagged food that companies sell. So, to keep their animals poor taste buds from disgust, they taste the food. The requirements of being a pet food taster are; Knowing what kinds of foods animals like, having a degree of some sort, and having a good sense of taste.

To be a good pet food taster, you need to know the basics. Protein is especially important for the food. You wouldn’t want your pet to gain too much weight to the point of obesity! Simon Allison, a pet food taster in the U.K  loves his job. He produces pet food and tastes it for his company. He, like many other tasters, never swallow it for fear of gaining too much weight.

Being a methodical thinker is also a good thing for this job. It enables you to appreciate details more than the average person. To be a pet food tester you would need to be able to taste the details of food, and be able to taste if it needs changes and to detect various ingredients.

The theory is if you were to eat your pets food and thought it was disgusting, your pets probably do too. Even though dogs will eat most anything, it doesn’t exactly mean that they like it. Pets can’t exactly talk and tell you their opinion on the food you feed them. So, it is up to pet food tasters to decide whether they would or wouldn’t enjoy the taste of these foods.

Most of the world is oblivious to these sorts of jobs, but hey, somebody has to be the one to do it. To some pet food tasters, this is the best job in the world! Besides pet food tasters are helping animals to eat healthier, and to enjoy what they gobble up even more.

“Pet Food Tester | Inside Jobs.” Pet Food Tester | Inside Jobs. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.

“Get Paid to Eat Dog Food.” The Penny Hoarder. N.p., 15 Apr. 2013. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.




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