Music week: Hawk Nelson

Don’t you just love those times where you can sit down and relax while listening to your favorite band? I know I do. But what makes the music of that band your favorite? Is it the melody? Rhythm? Beat? Lyrics? I will always argue the lyric side of it. One of my all-time favorite band is Hawk Nelson. Some of you may know this band, others..maybe not. So let’s dig in on what makes them the best band to listen to and a touch up on who they are.


Hawk Nelson is a christian band that formed in the year 2000. They started in Canada and moved on from there to many different places and traveling the world. Hawk Nelson is made up of four people with Jonathan Steingard being the lead singer and also plays the guitar, Daniel Biro is backing vocals and plays the bass guitar, Micah Kuiper who also plays the guitar, and then we have David Niacaris who plays the drums. The person who writes most of the lyrics is Jonathon, who recently started a family while in the middle of writing their new album Miracles. Now that you know some of the history of this band let’s move onto why they are the number one to listen to.


Each of these men work super hard to make us music that we would enjoy. They play the melody with the perfect lyrics, but the one thing they do that brings out this band more than any other band would be that they make the lyrics stand out more than the music behind it. Every song they write has a huge meaning behind it that they want us to find out. Like their song “Live Like You’re Loved”, in this song the message they want to send out to you is that God loves you no matter who you are or what you did.. The message behind their songs are what makes them the best band to listen to. The lyrics are what makes them stand out..and their music is super catchy too.


The band went through many different stages though to become how they are now. First they were a rock christian band and members came and went along the way, then when Jonathan Steingard became the lead vocalists in 2012 is when they went to more contemporary christian music. That’s when their music started having a deeper meaning and connecting more with God. When they connected their lyrics more with God their meaning became more vivid, real, and full of emotion.  Much hard work was put out for Hawk Nelson to be the band they are now. This band has put so much time and heart into what they do and they put it out for all of us to listen to. It’s what makes them the best band.


Hawk Nelson is a band that I think everyone should listen to because of how much they put into their music and lyrics. They work hard to give us music we would enjoy while at the same time giving us a message from God. Some of you that read this may not be a Christian or listen to christian music and that’s okay. I’m here though to help you get to know this band and listen to them. So maybe sit down and listen to a few of their songs. You never know, they could become your next favorite band!!



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