Why Band is Important ♫

The band world is often mistaken and seen in many different ways by different people. Band is a group of people who play instruments to often express emotion or for fun. Some people see band as just something fun to do, some hate band, and some love band so much. Society may not know it… but band is actually very important and needed in this world.
Playing in band helps improve your hand-eye coordination, like many sports can also do, which can also support the long argument if marching band is a sport. Band also helps with memorization abilities. In marching band for example, you have to memorize all the music you play and all the sets you have while marching. Memorization could also lead to better SAT scores which is another reason why band is important. People in band have been proven to have better SAT scores because of the memorization ability band gives you. Band can give people more self-confidence. Being in band, no one is left out and everyone is important and matter to make the band sound better. For instance, in my jazz band, everyday we have to solo for a warm up in front of the whole class. Now, the kids that were once too scared to stand up and solo can now have more self-confidence knowing that band is a free zone, which also makes them better risk-takers.
People in band have been the ones who don’t say “No, I won’t make that change” or “No, I don’t want to try.” When people take band classes, they will never give up. If the band director says “Again,” the band will play again and again until they get it right. Having that skill is so helpful and could reward some great jobs and help make the world a better place. Band kids will grow up to be the ones to discover something, to help the world, to cure cancer… cause they never give up.
When you join band, it’s not just developing bonds or learning how to play an instrument, it helps with skills that are needed to become a better human being and have a better future. Band is very important weather society realizes it or not, but the band geeks are the ones to make a change in this world. 

~Trinity Jones


20 Important Benefits of Music In Our Schools

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