History of Music

Music has been around since prehistoric times, but it was much different than music we know of today.

 Most music started without any instruments actually. It was a lot of percussion and drums on objects they had around like rocks and sticks. That was way before we know though. In ancient greece and rome was where the advancements of music started. They started playing trumpets and they would have competitions to see who could play the best. They also created the octave scale, a commonly used scale today in bands.

 Evolving from trumpets, people started to sing. This is the way most music began, as we know most songs today have vocals and lyrics. China then started to have orchestras, which is how commonly used string instruments started.

 Then in the 1890s a popular style of music called “ragtime” which moved on to be jazz in 1900 was very popular. It was mostly performed and written by african americans and it was like blues. Pop music didn’t start until 1940 when Broadway was introduced, which started musicals. 

Following pop, Rap and R&B came around in 1950. This is when music began to sprout. Nowadays we know most music as pop, country, rap and lofi, and much of it isn’t instrumental like it used to be. Music long ago was handwritten, but now it is done electronically with computers and technology.   It usually includes a beat and chorus, and pieces together into a song that we love and enjoy. 

How do we listen to music? Well usually you’d just put your headphones in, open your phone and play your playlist. Well, long ago in 1930 vinyl players were created. 50 years later in 1982 cds came out, and some people (usually older) still use them today. In 1993 the first music streaming app came out, where artist were able to put their music out for people to listen to. Up to today, people still use records, cds and stream music on their phones.

Music has evolved enormously and it’s amazing how something in our everyday lives, we can look way back to where it all started.

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