Digital Art

We’ve all drawn before, right? Traditional drawing is a good way to express yourself creatively, relieve stress, and many more things! Digital art is just that but on a screen, and it has even more pros.

I’m going to share with you some of these pros, and maybe you’ll see why I prefer digital art! Digital art can be easy extra money or you can take it up as a full time job if you don’t mind sitting down for a while. It’s a great way for people with drawing experience and free time to make some money doing something they enjoy. There are many different things you can sell, from lineless design for websites or to original characters for people in fandoms. While we’re on the topic of money it’s a VERY inexpensive hobby! A lot of digital drawing programs are free and provide a large variety of brushes and tools. Unlike traditional drawing you don’t have to pay money after the brushes run out, because they can’t. Another thing you can do with digital art that you can’t with traditional art is the ability to easily undo mistakes. The undo button is an extremely useful tool that a lot of artists use, this tool allows you to erase any changes you make to your artwork. Abby Schukel supports this in one of her writings, saying “Not every student has a set of watercolors or acrylic paint set at home, but many students have access to some type of digital device like an iPad or smartphone.” Technology is advancing and nowadays almost everyone has access to it.

Digital art has been a topic of discussion too, some artists think that it is “cheating” and “not real art” but this is simply not true. From personal experience it takes just as much effort and practice as traditional art does. It could arguably be even more difficult than traditional because you’re drawing on a smooth surface and drawings with big files can cause programs to crash. “Artists by nature push boundaries and are discovering ways to use technology as a massive form of leverage” Andrew Steinwold points out. Artists are only trying out new methods and more effective ways to create and share their art. Sure it’s not physical, but you’d be wrong to say it doesn’t take talent.

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