Are Electronics Bad?

Do you have parents, if so you probably know how they say electronics are bad for you? Well, I do and they were just like that. They will say go outside and do something with your life. Well, I am here today in order to fight against it. So let’s break it down. 

My first reasoning is you can make money off of them. Like any sport, you can make it any career. So let’s say you are amazing at a game and you want to make a career out of i. Well, you could go to championships and earn money that way or you can stream on twitch and become a YouTuber. Now, let’s say you don’t want to have your identity is taken or anything like that but you want to show your talent. Wel you don’t have to show who you are. Many people will use youtube and won’t show who they are. So what’s next.

Another augment that I hear is that you don’t get much activity and it hurts your eyes. Well, have the solution for you. There are games that completely make you move around. For example, there is a company called Niantic that works with famous companies and makes games where you have to move around for new things. Now, what about hurting your eyes. Well, may I introduce gamer goggles? They are just glass that helps stop Gamma rays. So what do I need to talk about? 

So what else. Oh! Cyberbullying. Well, I also have a solution to that. So, there is no real solution that other people can do but there are ways to prevent it. For example, you can block and ban people in most games. That would prevent that from cyberbullying or anything that is close to that. Games can also stop children or people from seeing anything that is bad because In most games they can put filters on chats and censor them so the audience can’t hear it. So that’s all?

Now, what else. Oh, that’s all? Well then. Overall I think electronics are a good thing. Of Course, you can have your own opinion but I hoped I changed that a little bit. Though what do you think Now? That is all hope this changed your mind.

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