Mrs. Janelle Beach

Mrs. Beach’s Dad was in the Air Force and he was stationed in Merced, CA.  That is where she was born. She loved her stuffed animals. She also had a little poodle named Fifi that she loved to dress up in doll clothes and take rides in the basket of her bike.  Yes she had pets, Fifi and Dusty (golden retriever) and several cats. She also had a dog named Easy when she was in high school.  Yes has has siblings, she has one sister.  She is two years older than her; her name is Stephanie. Her family lived in Craig Colorado until she was in 4th grade.  Craig always has snow in the winter and she had her own snowmobile.  She loved her outdoor family time.


She had a psychology class that I thought was really interesting.  She also took anatomy and physiology and that was a great class.  Yes she played sports, she played softball and basketball in high school. She would change my confidence in myself.  she always worried about what people thought of her and she would have a much different perspective on how important she thought popularity was. she would laugh more and be kinder and stick up for kids getting picked on.  She would also work harder at school and sports. She was a Central Warrior She had a lot of really great coaches growing up that taught her a lot about life. She also thought her dad walked on water.  she just enjoyed doing anything outside.  Hiking, mountain biking, playing sports.


She initially wanted to do something in health care.  That anatomy and physiology class really had an impact on her. she wasn’t sure at first if she wanted to be a nurse or dentist or exactly what her path was going to be.  But then she got married and had her own kids and decided that being at home with them as much as possible was important to her.  So she became a teacher. She went to CMU for my bachelors degree in science, minor in chemistry and teaching. She received her masters degree from Adams State College in school counseling. This will be her 20th year teaching. She would change her major to wildlife biology, game warden, or something outside interacting with animals and nature. If she could have any job in the world she would want to be an author.  Being able to write a story that could change people’s lives, perspective or outlook on life would be amazing.

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