list of Minecraft commands and what they do

Summary of Commands
Command Description
/? An alias of /help. Provides help for commands.
/ability Grants or revokes a player ability.
/advancement Gives, removes, or checks player advancements.
/alwaysday An alias of /daylock. Locks and unlocks the day-night cycle.
/attribute Queries, adds, removes or sets an entity attribute.
/ban Adds player to banlist.
/ban-ip Adds IP address to banlist.
/banlist Displays banlist.
/bossbar Creates and modifies bossbars.
/camerashake Used to enable a camera shaking effect.
/changesetting Changes a setting on the dedicated server while it’s running.
/clear Clears items from player inventory.
/clearspawnpoint Remove spawnpoints in the world.
/clone Copies blocks from one place to another.
/connect An alias of /wsserver. Attempts to connect to the websocket server.
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/damage Applies damage to the specified entities.
/data Gets, merges, modifies and removes block entity and entity NBT data.
/datapack Controls loaded data packs.
/daylock An alias of /alwaysday. Locks and unlocks the day-night cycle.
/debug Starts or stops a debugging session.
/dedicatedwsserver Attempts to connect to the websocket server.
/defaultgamemode Sets the default game mode.
/deop Revokes operator status from a player.
/dialogue Opens NPC dialogue for a player.
/difficulty Sets the difficulty level.
/effect Add or remove status effects.
/enchant Adds an enchantment to a player’s selected item.
/event Used to trigger an event on an entity.
/execute Executes another command.
/experience An alias of /xp. Adds or removes player experience.
/fill Fills a region with a specific block.
/fog Used for managing active fog settings for players.
/forceload Forces chunks to constantly be loaded or not.
/function Runs a function.
/gamemode Sets a player’s game mode.
/gamerule Sets or queries a game rule value.
/gametest To test the GameTest features.
/give Gives an item to a player.
/help An alias of /?. Provides help for commands.
/immutableworld Allows setting immutable state of a world.
/item Manipulates items in inventories.
/jfr Starts or stops a JFR profiling.
/kick Kicks a player off a server.
/kill Kills entities (players, mobs, items, etc.).
/list Lists players on the server.
/locate Locates closest structure.
/locatebiome Locates closest biome.
/loot Drops items from an inventory slot onto the ground.
/me Displays a message about the sender.
/mobevent Enables/disables a specified mob event.
/msg An alias of /tell and /w. Displays a private message to other players.
/music Allows the player to control playing music tracks.
/op Grants operator status to a player.
/ops An alias of /permission. Reloads and applies permissions.
/pardon Removes entries from the banlist.
/pardon-ip Removes entries from the banlist.
/particle Creates particles.
/perf Captures info and metrics about the game for 10 seconds.
/permission An alias of /ops. Reloads and applies permissions.
/placefeature‌[upcoming: JE 1.18.2] Used to place a configured feature at a given location.
/playanimation Used to run a one-off animation.
/playsound Plays a sound.
/publish Opens single-player world to local network.
/recipe Gives or takes player recipes.
/reload Reloads loot tables, advancements, and functions from disk.
/remove Removing agent.
/replaceitem Replaces items in inventories.
/ride Used to make entities ride other entities, stop entities from riding, make rides evict their riders, or summon rides or riders.
/save Prepares a backup, queries its status, or resumes.
/save-all Saves the server to disk.
/save-off Disables automatic server saves.
/save-on Enables automatic server saves.
/say Displays a message to multiple players.
/schedule Delays the execution of a function.
/scoreboard Manages scoreboard objectives and players.
/seed Displays the world seed.
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/setblock Changes a block to another block.
/setidletimeout Sets the time before idle players are kicked.
/setmaxplayers Sets the maximum number of players allowed to join.
/setworldspawn Sets the world spawn.
/spawnpoint Sets the spawn point for a player.
/spectate Make one player in spectator mode spectate an entity.
/spreadplayers Teleports entities to random locations.
/stop Stops a server.
/stopsound Stops a sound.
/structure Used to save and load structures without having to use structure blocks items in inventories.
/summon Summons an entity.
/tag Controls entity tags.
/team Controls teams.
/teammsg An alias of /tm. Specifies the message to send to team.
/teleport An alias of /tp. Teleports entities.
/tell An alias of /msg and /w. Displays a private message to other players.
/tellraw Displays a JSON message to players.
/testfor Counts entities matching specified conditions.
/testforblock Tests whether a block is in a location.
/testforblocks Tests whether the blocks in two regions match.
/tickingarea Add, remove, or list ticking areas.
/time Changes or queries the world’s game time.
/title Manages screen titles.
/titleraw Controls screen titles with JSON messages.
/tm An alias of /teammsg. Specifies the message to send to team.
/toggledownfall Toggles the weather.
/tp An alias of /teleport. Teleports entities.
/trigger Sets a trigger to be activated.
/w An alias of /tell and /msg. Displays a private message to other players.
/warden_spawn_tracker Sets the spawn state of the Warden
/wb An alias of /worldbuilder. Ability to edit restricted blocks.
/weather Sets the weather.
/whitelist Manages server whitelist.
/worldborder Manages the world border.
/worldbuilder An alias of /wb. Ability to edit restricted blocks.
/wsserver An alias of /connect. Attempts to connect to the websocket server. —
/xp An alias of /experience‌[Java Edition only]. Adds or removes player experience.

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