Volvo Visits

Volvo car company paid for some of the journalists that review its products to travel across part of the country and along the way make a stop in the gorgeous serine town of Gateway, Co. The Volvo journalists happened to come for the three nastiest days of the spring and ended up not being able to do to…


“Praise to the lord!” The Fruita Assembly of God church is very spirited when it comes to Jesus. From May 15th through the 18th the church decided to have a revival week. “Revival week is basically just a pep assembly for god,” says Ginger, the youth group leader. The Godly spirit week included a guest…

Summer Summer!

Its coming, and you know it! Summer is two weeks away and the student body is running crazy, but whats some summer plans? A couple of mine are to hang out with friends in my vacation spot in gateway, maybe go fourwheeling and such, just outdoor fun. Some other common summer plans are hiking, fishing,…

Facebook vs. Myspace

By: Jaton Shephard             Facebook has outnumbered MySpace recently. Facebook has seemed to be the choice for family members to communicate.  People now say that with all of MySpace’s new upgrades it is hard to use and they don’t know how to use it. Facebook seems to be the simpler and easier way of connecting…

Creamy Vs. Rooty

            Junk food may be extremely unhealthy, but many people believe it is quite delicious. There’s an ongoing debate about which is better: Radiant Root beer, or Charismatic Cream soda? According to the A&W website, the two beverages have the same amount of calories and fat. The differences are that cream soda has 19.2mg of…

Can They!

                When applying for a job, your interview is always a crucial and scary part of it, but what happens when they start invading your privacy? Well then know there limitations.                 Companies often discriminate against their employees flaws or backgrounds, they are not allowed to and yet they still do.                 Here’s a list…

Recession, Depression, or Recovery?

After reading the article from the USA TODAY written by John Waggoner, take a stance on where you think the United States Economy is today compared to where Waggoner suggested back in 2008.  Find three valid sources that back your oppinion and write why you think we are in that particular stage of the business…

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