Biography LaCount

LaCount Picture finalWhen the word teacher is thought of it is common to think of school, homework and the subject that is taught by that teacher. It is rarely seen that a teacher can break through the common stereotypical wall of the idea that teachers are mean and yell and only care about grades rather than a student as an individual person. However Stephanie LaCount is not only a teacher that has broken through that wall she has managed to touch the hearts of every student she has.

LaCount grew up in Fruita Colorado on a farm. She remembers loving the space of a farm and running around with no worries. At a young age LaCount was taught a very important life lesson by her parents that if you can you do. This is also a lesson she has taught to many of her students.

Mrs. LaCount attended high school at Fruita Monument High School, she then went to college at Mesa State College now known as Colorado Mesa University. She went to college to become a teacher and focused on her academics. LaCount wanted to become a teacher because she remembers having a teacher truly believe her as a person for the first time and she wanted to give that back.

            LaCount’s favorite part about teaching is kids and being able to have a positive impact on kid’s life. She helps her students to realize that she is not only a teacher to help better our education in literacy, but she is also a friend and mentor that is her to help us become better people. She helps educate students in life and teaches lessons that they are able to carry throughout life. However having such an optimistic attitude to help students see the best in themselves comes with a down fall. LaCount says that her least favorite part about teaching is seeing kids feel as though they have failed. It breaks her heart seeing a student not succeed as they wanted to she can’t help but fell for them and think “What could I have done differently?”

            Mrs. LaCount is looked at by so much more than a teacher. Her student know and feel that they are cared for when they are with Mrs. LaCount. Her positivity is not only contagious but she overall makes her students want to become better people. She has become a remodel to all her students and a person that they all can look up to. LaCount teaches and encourages students to make a difference in the world for the better, and to be the kind in a world that is not so kind. LaCount is changing the lives of students showing and motivating every one of them to see the good in themselves as she sees in them too.

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