The Life of Mrs. Willford

Mrs. Willford is a 9th grade AP Human Geography teacher. She also teaches Yearbook. She is well known for her massive amounts of homework and “funny” jokes. She is by far the most feared teacher at this school. Despite that she is well liked by her students and coworkers. Mrs. Willford shows her affection towards kids by making fun of them. Mrs. Willford is the most honest straightforward teacher you will ever meet. She is a nice, Genuine person. Let’s get to know her.

Mrs. Willford was born in Valley City, North Dakota. She lived there for seven years Before moving to the Grand Valley and she’s lived here ever since. She’s a very outdoorsy person. She’s loved being outside since she was little. Growing up she loved being outside and now she loves spending her free time mountain biking, hinking, and being at the lake. One thing Mrs. Willford is grateful for is how much she has gotten to travel. The place she would probably like to go back to the most would be Italy because it was funny and the food tasted amazing. But the most eye open place she has ever been would be China. So obviously we all wish we were Mrs. Willford and we could travel all over the world. But Having been to all these places Mrs. Willford still has tons of places she wants to visit. Right now she is really hoping she gets to go to Iceland and Peru with Covid who knows when that will happen. 

Mrs. Willford also played soccer in high school and college at CMU. Mrs. Willford has always known that she wanted to be a teacher because it runs in her family. Her mom was a teacher and bothe of her sisters are teachers too. She also wanted to be a teacher because she loved her teachers growing up and she thought what they did was not only cool and interesting but was very beneficial to kids and she wanted to help kids too. She has now been a teacher for 16. She taught one year at Fruita Monument High School and 15 year at Fruita 8/9.

Would you rather section! I asked Mrs. Willford some “would you rather” questions. The first one I asked her was would you rather only eat Chinese food or Mexican food for the rest of your life? Mrs. Willford answered that she would definitely only eat Mexican food because after being to China, real Chinese food is not as good as American Chinese food. I also asked her would you rather be invisible or be able to fly? She said she would love to be able to fly? And the last one was would you rather be able to not use the internet ever again or not be able to fly ever again? She said even though it would be hard I would rather not be able to use the internet because I love travelling and I wouldn’t be able to travel if I couldn’t fly.

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