Why Youtube is Unnecessarily Struggling

Youtube is a video site where people can upload videos all they want as long as they go by Youtube’s standards, lately Youtube has been struggling to make sure is algorithm is properly used and applied, it’s been cracked down on against channels that usually fly just under the radar of being popular, since when this started Youtube has changed its terms of service being more strict about what they want on their platform, specified age groups has been the main focus of these changes recently when the issue can’t be avoided because parents have their kids on their devices all the time when they’re little which puts these new terms to waste. 

Lately youtube has calmed down but its a gap on channels due to how youtube recommends videos to other people it leads smaller channels to not see any improvement or even seeing a decrease in monetization because of the giant gap between new and popular channels limits to how many people might see their videos which makes a lot of people give up and delete these videos that if were uploaded in some years earlier with the old terms could have been legendary. Back when we had the old terms everyone liked youtube, that’s what inspired them many years later to start one themselves, the terms that came after that were terrible but they were somewhat fixed the age thing is still useless but most other things that Youtube has incorporated has helped many channels grow in there own unique ways. If Youtube can keep this up but listen to their community like they have lately there might be another great idea for Youtube add to their platform that will help all channels progress in a way that many think is impossible. Newest terms of service here. https://www.youtube.com/static?template=terms


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