Gaming is not a Sport

I think almost everyone knows what a video game is, and the same goes for sports. Are they the same though? Today I’m going to be explaining why video games are in fact not a sport.

Now before I get into what factors don’t make gaming a sport, I wanted to talk about the things that sports and video games actually have in common. Both can be very competitive, but almost anything can be competitive if you were to think about it. Same goes for jobs and making a living! You can make a career out of anything if you really tired, just like gaming and video games. Alright I’m done now let’s talk about how video games are not a sport.

When people usually argue that

 video games aren’t sports they bring up the lack of exercise, but they’re right so I’m going to do the same. Obviously sports can help with being unhealthy, they take a lot of energy and training to become great players that make it to the top. DO video games really do that though? Gaming doesn’t involve a lot of physical activity in fact most of the time you’re sitting down! There are people who think pressing buttons is enough exercise, and Ryan is one of them. Ryan included this in one of his articles “But for professional gamers, physical activity and the resulting strain is real.” If you use your hands too long for anything it will cause strain, that doesn’t mean it’s physical activity. You don’t see construction workers or artists calling themselves athletes and they do way more with their hands. To go back to my point on how most of the time you play video games while sitting 

down, it can actually make your mental health worse. This is just from experience but spending lots of time inside and away from actual people made me take up bad coping habits. You aren’t getting fresh air or vitamins when you sit around and just play video games all the time. On the other hand most sports take place outside in the sun and fresh air, this can actually boost your happiness.

I have nothing against video games and I still quite enjoy them but they aren’t a sport. I hope I shared a few notable points on why this is true .

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