2021 Media Final Essay

In multimedia this semester I learned a lot about teamwork. Some of the most important things I learned about teamwork was to not just pick your friends because you think it’s a good idea. Another thing i learned was sometimes you have to do a lot of work on your own without any help from your “team” because they don’t do their work and it falls on you too and, the last thing i learned about teamwork is  that there are good and bad days to having a team and you have to learn to stick with them and put up with it. And I will be giving reasons for all of those ideas about teamwork now.

I learned to not just pick your friends by them not doing their work and them relying on me to get all of it done for myself and them sometimes. It got really hard for a while to try and manage all of it because I had no help from others. Sometimes your team will only do work if it seems fun to them and then they leave you with the other stuff and not help you when you need it. Having a team is good when you get the help you need but if you don’t have that help from your team then you are basically doing it alone. That’s why doing it with friends isn’t the best and if you do it with other people you might not know or barely know you can also make new connections that you didn’t know about.

If your team isn’t good then you might not look good either because sometimes people go off of teamwork and not individual work. That makes it really hard and I hope that you pick a good team that will actually do their work so that it doesn’t look bad on you when you actually do your work and get it done on time. If your partners l0ook bad then you also look bad because you do more group work then individual and if you have a group project and you have a deadline and they don’t meet it it’s on you too so always try and pick the best team you can even if it’s not with your friends.

The last but one of the most important things i learned about teamwork is that if you have maybe not the best team there can still be good days and bad days. Sometimes whenever you guys all finish and all get your work done and on time then it’s a good day but if you guys cant get it all done then it could be a bad day. If you guys build a good relationship and all work along and are good together then you can have many good days and hopefully always get your work done and turned in on time all the time.

That’s what i learned this semester in multi media about team work. I have also learned so much more but that one of the most important things i did learn from this class all semester. This class was super  fun and taught me a lot of skills and teamwork.


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