Media Final

8th grade year when we got our class sign up sheets I was super lost on what to pick. I talked to all my friends and asked what class to take, and nothing really interested me until this class. Neveah Drysdale was a 9th grader at the time and had taken the class that year. She was the one who inspired me to pick this class, she said that it’s just fun in general and such an amazing class. She included that you always get to be involved with the school, which I love, and you get super close with your classmates since it’s such a small class. Neveah also said that you learn to edit pictures and videos and learn so many new technology skills. My generation is filled with new technologies and more will be added throughout the rest of my life. I was excited because I always wanted to learn those types of things but I never knew how or when.

My first group of the year was commercials. In the commercial group we take photos for students of the week and just make simple short commercials for the announcements. Which included interviews, iroar skits, and more.

 I got a small digital camera for my 10th birthday and since then taking pictures has been one of my passions. I never really took it anywhere or shared my photos because I never had the camera to do so or learned how to use one.

Pulling kids out of class and taking pictures of them may not sound very fun to many but it was for me. I enjoyed learning how to use the camera and all the extra skills it had. This made me realize how much I missed taking pictures and how fun it used to be when I was younger. Since the beginning of the year I’ve gotten back into photography and I’m really excited to see where it can take me. After practicing more and learning new skills maybe this can take me to a profession in photography or more!

With the commercial group we also had to also edit our videos we created. This is where I was extremely lost! Let me tell you it’s not as easy as tiktok.

Never before had I ever edited a video, but premiere made it a ton times easier. Premiere is a program where it makes it easy to edit your videos, while adding cuts, music, words and so much more! My first time ever opening premiere it looked super complicated. After lots of practice and help it turned out to be super easy. I thought that I would never use premiere outside of this class for anything. I was wrong. Back in November there was an extra credit assignment for Spanish class where we had to make a video for the class. I was stressed because I didn’t really know how I was gonna edit it and turn it in. Then I remembered that I can edit in premiere! This program is so useful because no matter when, for a school project, skits, etc., I always have the skill of editing that others may not have!

Like any teenage girl, we’re all embarrassed to be in front of the camera. Especially me, I was always so nervous before recording our announcements.  I never liked the way I slipped over my words and fidgeted with my hand. After a couple commercials later I warmed up to it. Reading the script wasn’t as hard and I learned from my mistakes and got better. Any adult at some point in their life or job, your gonna have to speak in front of a camera, especially with all our technology nowadays. I think this is something important to have not only because of all the things you can accomplish with it, and all the skills it teaches you. It also taught me how to present projects in front of a class with a lot more confidence which can give me a better grade. 

In conclusion, if I could have this class again I totally would. Mr. Decker is always helpful and always makes sure you understand what you’re doing no matter the amount of questions you have. I would inspire anyone who is interested in technology and being involved with the school to take this class. It’s taught me countless more skills than the 3 I named here, skills or hobbies you can carry for the rest of your life. 

-Bella Hayes

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